25 Tips to Dominate Twitter for Small Business in Houston Texas
25 Tips to Dominate Twitter for Small Business in Houston Texas
Twitter is unique when compared to the other social media platforms as not only does it allow for you to interact and engage with people, it is also excellent for news as most people use it to learn about important news events around them as discussed over at runrex.com. This makes it an excellent resource for businesses, particularly small businesses that can use it to engage with customers and inform them of any important updates or news items. This article will look to help out small businesses in Houston, Texas by highlighting 25 tips that will help them dominate Twitter.
- Choose the right username
Your username, which is your @username, is your Twitter handle. The gurus over at guttulus.com are adamant that you should choose an appropriate username for your small business’ Twitter profile, and the best way to go about things is to use your business name or a variation of it for your handle.
- Ensure that your profile is consistent with your brand
Your profile, which consists of a bio, avatar, and cover image, should also tell the story of your business by simply looking at it. This means that you should choose the visual elements that best represent you and your business. Here, you can use your business logo as your avatar, and then ensure that you write a clear and concise bio describing your brand, product, and services as well as containing a link to your website or landing page.
- Engage with users
It is also crucial that you engage with your followers, replying to tweets about your business, whether they are negative or positive, and doing so quickly. Thank those who praise you, retweeting and liking such tweets, and address critical tweets in a respectful, helpful, and prompt manner.
- Listen to what people are saying about you
You should also consider using tools such as Hootsuite to look for tweets that include your name, products, and services, and see what people are saying about you. This way, you will be able to know how and what to tweet and do so from a point of strength information-wise. These tools will also allow you to see what your competitors and other businesses in your industry are tweeting.
- Be consistently present
According to the gurus over at runrex.com, the key to dominating Twitter is making sure that you are tweeting often. Try and post a tweet at least once every day, and then test different frequencies to see what works best with the help of Twitter’s internal analytics platform or third-party tools like Twitalyzer.
- Retweet and mention others
You should also make it a habit to retweet and mention tweets from other businesses in Houston, which will also entice them to retweet your content, helping you build social capital and create credibility, building trust with your followers.
- Work with influencers
Influencers will also help you dominate Twitter, particularly if you find those with a great degree of authority in your niche. People are more inclined to listen to influencers, which means one talking about your company or products could help you build credibility and expand your reach.
- Keep it short and sweet
Although Twitter has got a 140-character limit, it is not recommended that you don’t use the maximum characters allowed if you can help it. Always try to keep things short and sweet when tweeting to allow people to read your content as tweets that are unnecessarily long will only put off your followers.
- Have a plan
The subject matter experts over at guttulus.com also point out that having a content plan for your tweets is another tip that will help you dominate Twitter. This means creating a content calendar and scheduling several consistent tweets over a few days or weeks, even setting aside certain days for particular types of tweets.
- Follow relevant users
As a business, it can be impossible to follow everyone who follows you, which is why you should focus on following only those who are relevant. This includes following your customers, brands in your industry, relevant influencers, those who share, and retweet your content, among others.
- Don’t forget to share media mentions
You should also always share links anytime your business gets mentioned in the media, be it by the local Houston media, or even national media. This will help cultivate credibility as well as garnering more attention from journalists and reporters.
- Like tweets
Other than mentioning and retweeting others as already mentioned earlier on, you should also try as much as possible to Like tweets from users who complement your business, products, or services, or those who tweet or retweet your content if you want to dominate Twitter.
- Focus on the needs of your followers
As is revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, people appreciate information that solves a problem or answers a question that they have. Additionally, they also engage with tweets that entertain or inspire them, which is why you should include both types of tweets in your content plan.
- Make use of hashtags, but do so correctly
Hashtags are a great way to organize your tweets around a specific keyword or topic, while also helping users find your tweets. However, while you must use them, you should do so correctly, which means avoiding using more than two or three for every tweet. Filling your tweets with hashtags will make them appear cluttered and will put off your followers.
- Generate a Twitter list
Twitter lists are curated groups of users that are segmented by category. They, therefore, give you a quick snapshot of what users are talking about, giving you an organized way to stay in touch with loyal customers, influencers, and others in your industry.
- Leverage Flock to Unlock campaigns
Flock to Unlock campaigns are popular on Twitter and should be part of the strategy of any small business looking to dominate the platform. These are campaigns that incentivize followers to perform a particular action to reveal a special deal. For instance, you can put up a tweet informing your customers that you will give them something for free if your tweet reaches 100 retweets, and so forth.
- Offer exclusives
According to the experts over at guttulus.com, you should also consider offering you followers exclusive deals, which they can’t get anywhere else. This will lead to more followers, allowing you to grow your account and helping you on your way to dominating Twitter.
- Include visuals
It is a commonly accepted fact that tweets that contain visual content such as pictures, animated gifs, and videos get retweeted more than those that only contain plain text. This is why, if you are to dominate Twitter, you will have to incorporate visual content into your tweets.
- Have Twitter integrated into your website
You should also make sure that you include the Twitter widget into your website to allow people to be able to follow your account or even share content directly to their accounts from your website. Additionally, you should also look to embed tweets on your website or your blog to show visitors that you are active on Twitter and encourage them to follow you.
- Twitter cards
Twitter cards are designed to help you to attach rich photos, videos, and media experiences to Tweets that drive traffic to your website. All you have to do is add a few lines of HTML code to your web page and users who tweet links to your content will have a Card added to it, which will also be visible to their followers as well.
- Promote your events
You should also use Twitter to promote special events, as well as live-tweet, said events while they are happening for your followers. This will entice users to follow your account so that they can get updates for said events if they can’t attend, as explained over at runrex.com.
- Don’t forget about direct messages
You should also send your customers direct messages for a more personal touch or to protect sensitive information such as their contact information. You can send a customer a DM tanking them for a positive tweet or comment, or acknowledging a negative post and letting them know that you will fix things as soon as possible.
- Leverage Twitter advertising options
It is also important to point out that Twitter has two advertising options that should suit small businesses, including those in Houston, Texas: Promoted Accounts and Promoted Tweets. You should consider using any of these two options to get your posts seen by more people.
- Measure your Twitter engagement
You should also make sure that you measure your Twitter engagement and the effect it has on your business goals. Think of the KPIs that will help you monitor performances towards reaching your goals, which may include follower growth, traffic, conversions, reach, among others. Make sure that you are focusing on the right metrics and not on vanity metrics.
- Host Twitter chats
As is discussed over at guttulus.com, Twitter chats are scheduled hashtag discussions that focus on specific topics. If you want to dominate Twitter as a small business in Houston, Texas, make sure that you regularly host chats where customers can ask questions about your products or services, or discuss a topic that is of interest to them.
Remember, if you are looking for more information on the above discussion, or help with your Twitter campaigns, then look no further than the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com which are the best agencies in Houston, Texas for such services.