15 Tips for Adding Video to Your Social Media on YouTube
15 Tips for Adding Video to Your Social Media on YouTube
YouTube is the second largest search engine, making it an excellent choice when looking to add your video to your social media. However, as is highlighted over at runrex.com, the sheer number of videos posted on YouTube daily means that you have to do more than just add our video if you are to gain the visibility you crave. To help with that, this article will look to highlight 15 tips for adding video to your social media on YouTube.
Get your title right
The title of your YouTube video makes a big difference to how your video will perform, as is explained over at guttulus.com. Make sure that your title is clear and descriptive when adding your video to YouTube, while also making sure you don’t forget to include the primary keyword or key phrase for which you want your video to rank for.
Keep your title concise
On top of optimizing your title as discussed above, it is also important that you keep it concise, something the subject matter experts over at runrex.com are adamant about. This is important as YouTube sets a limit of 66 characters for the title after which it will be truncated, so if you want your title to be seen in full in the search result listing, better keep it under this limit.
Optimize your description
Your description is also important which is why you should also make sure you have it optimized. As per discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, this means making sure that it is compelling and detailed, particularly since it is a ranking factor for both Google and YouTube. Make sure that your keywords are featured, without keyword stuffing. Also, make sure that the most important content is located right at the beginning of your video description for the best results.
Add a custom thumbnail
It is also important to create and upload your custom thumbnail so that your video doesn’t feature the automatically generated ones which are blurry and not very aesthetically pleasing. As is discussed over at runrex.com, by adding your phone number to your account settings, you will get your YouTube account verified, after which you will be allowed to add custom thumbnails. You can use Adobe Photoshop, or any other such software, to create an engaging and stunning thumbnail for your video.
Do your keyword research
If you are to add relevant keywords that will perform well and give you the visibility you are looking for, you will have to make sure that you do your keyword research. If your YouTube video is to rank as high as possible, then you have to make sure that it features the best performing and relevant keywords.
Don’t forget the file name
As per the gurus over at guttulus.com, your video will also have an auto-generated title that doesn’t make sense, and you should also make sure that you optimize it by renaming using relevant keywords describing your video. This should be done on similar or fewer words than the title. For example, if your video is about how to make the perfect tennis backhand, you should rename it as “tennis-backhand-tutorial”.
Optimize for mobile
As is revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, a significant percentage of views on YouTube come from mobile devices, which is why it is important to make sure that your videos are optimized for mobile. This means making sure that you get the title and thumbnails right so that they are visible on mobile devices, and also making sure you get the orientation of your video right.
Add subtitles and create closed captions
When adding video on your YouTube page, make sure that your videos have subtitles and that you also create closed captions. This, as explained over at guttulus.com, will open up your video to a wider audience as not only will it be seen by those who watch videos with the sound off, it will also be seen by those with hearing disabilities. You can also add language translated captions to cater to an international audience.
Optimize the length of your video
As covered over at runrex.com, users are more likely to watch the full video if it is short, which is why it is recommended that you cut out any excess as far as your video is concerned before adding it to your page. Try and make your video short and sweet, avoiding being too wordy, and getting straight to your point to avoid putting your viewers off.
Don’t forget about calls-to-action
Calls-to-action can be added as overlays or they can be placed in the description box or both. They are important as they tell your viewers what you want them to do after they view your YouTube video, be it make a purchase, visit your website, subscribe to your channel, and so forth.
Leverage the power of end screens
End screens, as explained over at guttulus.com, appear on the screen during the last 20 seconds f your YouTube video. You should make sure that you add end screens to your videos, particularly if you have multiple videos on your page, to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel or show them your other videos for them to also watch.
Create lots of content
If you are to gain the visibility that you are looking for on YouTube, you won’t get it by adding one video according to the gurus over at runrex.com. The more videos that you have, the bigger your reach will be. Try as much as possible to create and add as much content as possible, on different topics in your industry to gain the visibility you are looking for.
Add annotations
Yet another tip worth pointing out when adding videos to your YouTube page is leveraging the power of annotations while at it. Annotations, as discussed over at guttulus.com, enable one to create notes and links within the video, where you can ask your viewers questions, direct them to other videos, and so forth. They are an excellent tool for growing one’s reach on YouTube and increasing the viewership of their videos.
Engage with feedback
As per the folks over at runrex.com, one of the ways through which you can build and strengthen relationships with your viewers is by responding to their feedback. Read the comments and reply to them to show them that you care about the feedback provided. You can also actively ask your viewers to give you feedback on what they would like to see from you next, which will ensure that you are giving them what they want.
Create playlists
Last but not least, another tip when adding video on YouTube is creating playlists, particularly if you have a lot of videos on your channel. This will help you group related content, allowing your viewers to find the videos on the topics they are most interested in. They will also stick around for longer, as they will be directed from one video to the next in the playlist.
The above discussion only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more on this and other related topics by checking out the highly-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.