What You Need to Know to be a Backend Developer in 2019
What You Need to Know to be a Backend Developer in 2019
A backend developer helps create the logical backend and core computational logic of an information system, software or website. The components and features created by the backend developer can then be accessed by the user through a frontend application or system. This makes backend developers crucial in designing websites, applications and software. This article will look to shine the light on what is required for one to become a backend developer in 2019. This is also looked at in more detail by visiting runrex.com.
The first thing you need to be conversant with the languages involved when going into backend development. This includes scripting language for those getting started with matters backend development and Node.js for those coming into this field with knowledge of frontend development. For those who already are armed with some experience of backend development, going with something from either the “Multiparadigm” or “Functional” section is more preferable than picking another scripting language. What this basically means is that for those who have been doing PHP or Node.js, there is no need for you to go for Python or Ruby. In this case you would be best served by trying out Golang or Erlang as these will help expand your repertoire.
Another thing that is important for any prospective backend developer going into 2019 is the benefit of practice in making one an expert backend programmer. This means looking to implement concepts learned by making as many small applications as you can possibly manage, knowing that the more you do this the better you become. This includes things like writing commands that give you directories structure in JSON format, automating some everyday tasks, implementing commands that you use in the bash with more ideas on how you can sharpen your backend developing skills to be found on runrex.com.
The next thing that you need to be familiar with having mastered the language and having made some sample applications is how to make use of the package manager specific for the language picked. This package manager will enable you to not only use external libraries, but will also allow you to make those libraries available for others to use. These package managers are language specific as mentioned above and therefore those who picked Ruby will have RubyGems as their package manager, PHP will have Composer, Python will have Pip while those who picked Node.js as their language of choice will have to be familiar with either NPM or Yarn as a package manager.
As is in any spectrum of web development, for you to be a backend developer going into 2019 you will have to be well versed with the best practices and standards and especially of the language you had selected. You will need to study and research widely and even ask those in the same field making use of the same language the dos and don’ts. Just as an example, those that may have chosen PHP will have to be conversant with PHP-FIG as well as PSRs and how to apply them. The other languages also have guidelines that have been agreed upon and set by the community using them and one will have to look up such guidelines in order to gain a much better understanding of the standards and best practices set for said languages.
Another thing that you need to be all over in order to be a backend developer going into 2019 is security and being in the know of the requisite best practices for security in this field. This can be made possible by looking for and reading the OWASP guidelines on security and implementing them when doing backend development. Going into 2019 and given how security issues are fluid, learning any emerging issues on the same especially those related to the language of your choice is highly recommended.
Another thing worth knowing if you are to become a backend developer in 2019 is the complexities of relational databases and how to implement them on your data. This involves a holistic process that entails learning about the terminologies of the databases, from where you can now proceed to pick a tool that will enable you to learn the workings of relational databases.
It is also prudent to learn the workings of caching at app level if you are to become a backend developer in 2019. Learning how it works is just the beginning as the more important part is learning how to implement these techniques in your applications. This will involve such things as learning how to make use of Memcached or Redis. Caching is a very important aspect of backend programming and being well versed in it is a must in this field.
The above are just but the tip of a very extensive iceberg that is backend programming, especially going into 2019. As usual this is explored much more extensively on runrex.com.