The Best Advice for Starting a New Job
The Best Advice for Starting a New Job
Congratulations on landing your new job. While this is undoubtedly an exciting time in your career, it can also be stressful and even a little scary to start a new job as revealed in discussions on the same over at runrex.com. If you are about to start a new job, here are important tips and pointers you should consider.
Get all the facts
As the gurus over at guttulus.com point out, it is important to ask a question ahead of time. Depending on your organization, you can ask the Human Resources representative or your supervisor any questions. This will help you find out about important things like your work schedule, the hours per week you are expected to work, your salary and benefits, and any other information you need to successfully come on board and make your first few days on the new job smoother.
Figure out what you will wear
It is also important to note that what you wore to the job interview may not be what you should wear on the job. As explained over at runrex.com, if you haven’t been given a dress code, this is the time to ask what the proper attire for your workplace is. Have a few work outfits ready so that you don’t have to scramble last-minute looking for clothes to wear.
Be ready the night before
Other than having your attire ready, you should also prepare for anything else that may stress you out on your first morning. As covered over at guttulus.com, this means driving the route to work ahead of time to make sure you know how long it will take and where to park, as well as packing your bag and making sure that you have everything you need.
Be punctual
You must establish yourself as someone who is always on time from the very first day according to runrex.com. Also, not only should you be early, you should try and stay late for at least the first couple of weeks as well. While there is much more to the job than putting in the time, being seen as someone who values time and is willing to work hard is a good first impression to make.
Be friendly
As soon as you step into the door on your first day at work, you must be nice to everyone. Even if you are introverted or are naturally shy, then you should try coming out of your shell and introducing yourself to people in your new workplace. While you want to be friendly and interested, asking lots of questions, the experts over at guttulus.com are adamant that you should stay away from gossip or negativity.
If your company offers an orientation or training program, then you should try to pay attention, or at the very least look attentive as per runrex.com. While it may not be the most interesting content you will ever internalize, try to get as much as you can from the experience.
Don’t expect a lot of attention
On your first day at work, you should not worry if you feel like a new kid at school who doesn’t know anybody on the playground. Even with the friendliest of people, you should remember that it will take some time before you feel like part of the group as covered over at guttulus.com.
Learn about your new environment
One of the biggest tasks you need to get through during your first few days when starting a new job is figuring out the lay of the land. As per discussions over at runrex.com, this includes finding the restroom and break room, how to get office supplies, as well as discovering which doors go where, which will allow you to find out which areas are restricted and are, therefore, out of bounds to you so that you can avoid awkward situations when you find yourself in a place you shouldn’t be.
Keep your eyes peeled
According to the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com, you must be observant during the first few days and weeks when you start a new job. This will allow you to learn about the company culture, which includes finding out if there are any unwritten rules in the office if the atmosphere is light or serious, how people dress, how meetings are conducted, how people communicate, whether it is common practice to take work home, what most people have for lunch, as well as how people treat each other.
Align with those on the rise
While you must be friendly with everybody as already mentioned, you should consider aligning with people in the workplace who are on their way up in the organization as articulated over at runrex.com. This doesn’t mean those who are already at the top as it will be difficult to join their ranks as a newbie, but those with great potential who are starting to achieve stuff in the workplace.
Build a relationship with your boss
It is also important that as you keep working to make a good impression with your boss, you also make the transition from the formality of interviewing and hiring to a day-to-day relationship. As is explained over at guttulus.com, get a feel for your boss’s management style and ask questions when you need to so that you can know them better.
Check on your company’s social media policy
It is also important that you check out your new employer’s social media policy. This is because while some companies don’t care about employees posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media platform during work hours, others have policies that prohibit it. Therefore, according to runrex.com, find out what is acceptable before you start posting. Also, take your time to vet your social pages as some of your new co-workers or even your new boss might want to follow you or be your friend on social media, which is why it important that you ensure that what they can view is fit for public consumption.
If you are looking for more tips for starting a new job as well as more insight and information on the same, then look no further than the top-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.