Immigration Form N-400 – 10 Tips
Immigration Form N-400 – 10 Tips
Naturalization is one of the many approaches that immigrants can use to get citizenship in the United States. The N-400 immigration form must be filled by those that want to acquire citizenship via this process. Lawful permanent residents who meet the necessary qualifications can submit it to be considered for citizenship. Improper filling of this immigration form leads to a delay or rejection. Hence, to avoid mistakes, it may be prudent to acquire the services of experts. Consulting the professionals at RunRex.com is an excellent resource for an applicant to receive the proper guidance on filing the N-400 form.
- For you to qualify to fill the N-400 form
- You must be 18 years or older.
- You should be a lawful permanent resident for no less than five years. For those married to a US citizen, three years must elapse before filing this application. One’s residence and physical presence must be continuous for the required duration.
- You should possess basic competency in English.
- You should portray good moral character.
- You are expected to have fundamental knowledge concerning the US government and history.
- You should be ready to take the Oath of Allegiance.
- Know the time you spent outside the country
Due to the required continuous stay in the country, one is usually queried on the amount of time spent outside the US. This information needs to be accurate. However, one may not remember such specific details. You can check your passport and other travel documents to ascertain these details before filling them.
- Fill the current edition of the form
It is essential to ensure that the form that you submit is not an outdated version. The N-400 forms are usually available online on the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Finding the current edition ensures that you are compliant with all the instructions at the time.
- Accurate completion of the form
- Fill it correctly to ensure consideration for citizenship.
- Do not skip any question. Omitting or skipping a question results in the petition being denied. Therefore, fill all items appropriately. If there are questions that you find to be irrelevant to your case, you should write N\A.
- If more space is required, a separate sheet can be attached. However, it must have your details in addition to the question it answers.
- Ensure to sign the form before submission.
- Supporting documentation
One will have to include the passport, employment information, and addresses. The information on the documents should mirror that indicated in the form since errors result in a delay or denial of the petition. Lying may even result in the removal from the country thereby it is vital that the evidence you avail be truthful.
- Payment of the filing fee
Just as the forms change, the filing fee experiences the same alterations. Hence, it is crucial that you find out the filing fee that is mandated at the time of filing the petition. Paying the wrong fee leads to rejection. A biometric fee is also necessary.
- Submitting the form to the right address
It is crucial that you send the N-400 form and supporting documentation to the correct address.
- What happens after you submit the form
The application will be checked if it has been filled appropriately. If it is done correctly, then processing can begin. The applicant usually gets an application receipt notice to notify them that processing has commenced. Subsequently, you will be alerted of an appointment where the biometric services will be done. Once the fingerprinting process is over, the FBI is then tasked with doing a standard background check. Next, the citizenship test and interview are scheduled. Once you pass them, you are then invited for the oath ceremony, upon which you will become a US citizen.
- Study for the citizenship interview
The application may take several months to be processed. This time is enough for you to prepare for the interview. At the meeting, you will have to prove your competency in the English language besides being knowledgeable in American history and government.
- Meet financial obligations
There are financial aspects that can adversely affect the chances of your application being accepted.
- Refusal to pay taxes results in a denial of the petition. If you have not been doing so, it is advisable to have a plan in place to pay them. You should also avail evidence to the USCIS that you are engaged in fixing the issue. By addressing it, a denial of the petition is avoided.
- Refusal to support any dependent. If you have a minor child or children that are currently not living with you, it is vital that you avail ample proof that you are providing suitable financial support. Failing to make timely payments for child support leads to the petition being denied.
In conclusion, a legal permanent resident can get US citizenship if he or she can file the N-400 correctly besides availing the appropriate evidence.