How to Boost Your Social Media Following: 15 Tips
How to Boost Your Social Media Following: 15 Tips
As the subject matter experts over at runrex.com point out, you will be successful with your social media marketing efforts only if you have fans or followers. Therefore, if you are looking to boost your social media following, then here are 15 actionable tips to set you on your way.
Leverage influencers
People nowadays trust what their favorite social media personality tells them more than they do brands as explained over at guttulus.com, hence why social media marketing has become so popular. Therefore, one way to boost your social media following is by reaching out to influencers, since, if they share your content with their followers, then they will drive more traffic to your social media profiles, and you will gain more followers. You can use tools like Buzzsumo to find influencers in your niche.
Channel your email subscribers to your social media accounts
Another way for you to gain more followers on social media is by asking and encouraging your email subscribers to follow you on social media as covered over at runrex.com. This will let your email subscribers aware of your presence on social media, and they are likely to follow you if they know they will be getting useful information on your profiles.
Link your social media accounts on your Contacts and About Us pages
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, your website needs to have Contacts and About Us pages to help visitors know more about your business as well as how to contact you. If you want to boost your social media following, you should link your social media accounts on these pages. Since these people are already reaching out to you, you should give them another way to connect with you.
Be responsive
As the subject matter experts over at runrex.com are quick to point out, one of the keys to success when it comes to social media is posting content that encourages engagements. However, this is just one piece of the puzzle, if you want to seal the deal and gain more followers, you should respond to all questions, comments, and complaints promptly.
Hold giveaways and contests
Another proven strategy that will help you boost your social media following is holding contests and giveaways, and then making liking your page or following your account a requirement for entry. Given that this is a reasonable requirement, people won’t mind it, particularly if they stand a chance of winning something.
Give to receive
If you want people to follow you, then you will need to follow them as well. Don’t just count on others to find and follow you, but also go out and actively find others in your niche whom you can follow and engage with. As discussed over at guttulus.com, they can be your biggest customers or personalities in your niche, and so forth.
Use relevant hashtags
The use of hashtags is key when it comes to social media as is covered in detail over at runrex.com, particularly since hashtags make it more likely that your posts will be seen by your target audience, increasing chances of your content getting shared and you getting more followers if the content is engaging and of value to your audience. Just make sure that you are using relevant hashtags so that you can attract new followers who are searching for those hashtags.
Be active
According to the gurus over at guttulus.com, being active and engaged on social media will net you more followers over the long haul than sporadically posting. This is why you should choose a few platforms where you are sure you can comfortably maintain a presence rather than opening accounts on many networks and failing to be consistent with your presence on all your accounts. No one wants to follow an account that rarely posts or where their feedback is rarely responded to.
Focus on quality over quantity
While it is important to post often, you are likely to see growth if you focus on sharing amazing, quality content that you know your audience loves. As explained over at runrex.com, do your research as far as your audience is concerned and find out the type of content they love, then give it to them.
Link to your social media accounts everywhere
If you want to boost your social media following, then you should not be shy about linking to your social media accounts. Do so everywhere where you can from your newsletter to your blog, among others as this will let your audience know about your social media accounts and will make it easier to follow you.
Cross the blog/social network divide
Other than linking to your social media account on your blog, you can also entice your blog readers to follow you on social media by crossing the social network/blog divide. Discuss social media conversation on your blog and even blog about heated or interesting conversations taking place on your social media and your blog readers will feel like they have to follow you to get in on the action according to guttulus.com.
Offer incentives for people to follow you
Other than holding giveaways and contests on your social media accounts, another way you can boost your social media following is by offering people incentives to follow you. You can offer your social media followers exclusive discounts, coupon codes, or even free access to your products or services, and this will incentivize people to follow your accounts as explained over at runrex.com.
Promote your social accounts in-store
If you run a brick-and-mortar store for your business, another tip that will help you gain more followers on social media is promoting your social accounts in-store as articulated over at guttulus.com. Offer your in-store guests and customers an incentive to like or follow you on social media and they will do just that the first chance they get.
Make it easy for others to share your content
Visitors are unlikely to deal with the hassle of copying and pasting your URL to their social media, which is why you should make it easy for them to share your content by including social share links or buttons on your blog or website as outlined over at runrex.com.
Be follow-worthy
Finally, if you want to boost your social media following, then you must be a follow-worthy brand. Even if you have quality content, and follow all the above tips, if you are inauthentic or shady, then you won’t see much success. People want to connect with their brands and to find meaning in the brands they follow, which is something you should always remember.
Hopefully, the above tips will help you gain more followers on social media, with more insights, information, tips, pointers, and even help on this topic to be found over at the top-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.