How Much Do Web Developers Make a Year in Houston Texas?
How Much Do Web Developers Make a Year in Houston Texas?
Web developers are the ones that built the framework, the basic infrastructure, for websites and it is no wonder they are highly sort after. This means they well paid in comparison to other professions all over the world and in Houston it is no exception. Based on recent survey carried out in the Houston area, web designers earn about $66,800 per year on average. This may sound like a good amount but they are actually underpaid compared to their colleagues in the rest of the country being that they are some 8% below the national average as is explained in detail on runrex.com
For one to enter this field one has to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology or any relevant papers in this field. There are however those companies which accept individuals who may like the necessary papers but may have acquired the appropriate skills due to years and years of experience and a passion in programming.
There are aspects which influence how much different web developers well be paid for work done. Those that are highly skilled in the SQL language are usually paid well above the average as this are fourth-generation programming languages that are very close to human languages which makes them desirable when trying to access databases. Those who are conversant and have mastered ASP.NET can also expect to be above the well paid ones as this is crucial in making web pages more dynamic and therefore more appealing to visitors. Those who have mastered the use of programming languages like C++ and Java so much so that they can get creative when doing developing the websites are also the ones that command the highest salary per annum.
Another factor to consider apart from skill set is the company that employs them that governs how much per year they will make. This is because the big companies in the Houston area only demand the best and they pay well for their services. Big fish in this particular ocean like NRG Energy pay as much as $105,800 per year to their web developers. This is of course way above the average and it is a company most web developers working in Houston would like to get a gig with. Their annual salary for their web developers is some 46% above the national average which makes it one of the best work experience you are likely to have as a web developer in Houston. It can also not be escaped that there are certain companies that don’t pay as much and pay way below the national average per year with some being as low as 34% below the national average. As is always the case if you work hard and work yourself up the chain in your field then you should find yourself being sort out by the big companies and earning the big bucks.
Another parameter that helps decide how much some of these web developers in Houston Texas earn per year is the years of experience they have behind them. Those that are just entering the field and are at the entry level can expect to earn between $45,000 and $58,000. This depends mostly on what exactly one specializes in with those that are PHP developers being paid closer to the upper limit and those with just the basic skills being closer to the lower limit. Those with a lot more experience with the ability to trouble shoot any problems that may arise can expect to earn much more, closer to the $100,000 mark in exchange for applying their years of experience to their work with these phenomenon being explained in a bit more detail on bitgale.com
Another factor that is not always take to account is the area they are operating it. For example, those that operate in Houston as has been revealed earn on average $66,800 per year as compared to another city in Texas like say Fort Worth where on average web developers earn as much $92,900 per year. This can mostly be attributed to the populations of these areas. Houston being a major city with a population of over two million may have a lot of companies to get employment from but it also has a lot of prospective web developers competing against each other for the same positions. This as can be expected works in favor of the employers who in this are able to drive the salaries down. In Fort Worth with a much smaller population, the number of web developers isn’t that high and therefore the few that are available are well remunerated.
Rank in the work place also comes into play when determining how much different web developers in Houston earn. Senior web developers earn as much $90,000 per annum depending on the company they work for with their juniors earning much lower in comparison. Job security also comes into play with freelancers expected to earn much less per year as compared to those with security of tenure. The above are just some of the parameters that dictate how much web developers make in Houston Texas with more on this to be found on bitgale.com and runrex.com