Can job loss cause depression? 10 tips
Can job loss cause depression? 10 tips
Job loss is a shocking phenomenon for many especially if and when you are not prepared for the same. Losing a job often disrupts the normalcy that a person had eased into which explains why many find it hard to deal with the same. Many have been characterized as falling into depression owing to job loss and others even find themselves far off the rails to a point that they contemplate suicide. Authoritative platforms including runrex.com have widely expounded on the subject and given possible case scenarios and how the same can be dealt with and as new information comes along, it becomes important to continue the discussion to understand the path of action.
Understanding the effects of job loss
Job loss has varied effects on individuals and the response to the same is also different and dependent on the capacity of adjustment that a person has. What many individuals suffer from after job loss is the economic shock and the sense of humiliation. Others have been even documented as having the feeling of failure and self-pity owing to their lost status within society. This is what leads many to the brink since it makes them lose sense of what is important. The loss of daily routine also makes some develop the sense that they are exposed and vulnerable.
A job mainly gives a sense of security most notably since it guarantees that a person has a purposeful activity running. This builds self-confidence and higher esteem as a result and it therefore becomes a major loss when one loses this. The feeling of anxiety and resentment is what leads to depression for many and derails the overall professional identity that a person may have built over time. with all these issues going on, everything becomes psychological which leads to isolation and eventually depression takes its toll.
Tips to beat depression
Stay future-focused
Don’t get stuck in the what might have been as this is what deflates your capacity to maintain your stature. The goal here is to stay future-focused to avoid spiraling into the destructive emotions that lead to depression.
Avoid your job status defining you
Many employees are guilty of letting their job statuses define them and this is what opens the doors to depression once the job is lost. Although job loss is a personal impact, you should not allow it to define you or your role in society.
Prioritize self-care
The biggest action you can take to ensure you don’t fall into depression after job loss is to prioritize self-care. The idea is to give yourself time to adjust and in the same wavelength target any silver lining that will make you see the value you still have. In simple terms, you will have to maintain some balance so that you can move on swiftly.
Don’t dwell on it
Focusing on the challenge and the difficulty will not solve anything and this is where you now have to take charge by avoiding the aspect of dwelling on the problem. The key is to view it as a temporary setback and above all accept the reality of what has happened. Don’t beat yourself up since it will only serve to push you further into the abyss.
Stay around positive people
One way to avoid depression after job loss is to stay around positive people. Surround yourself with people that lift you and provide incentive to look ahead. You can also systematically focus on the things you can control as opposed to those that you can’t impact.
Stay connected to your network
The best advice in trying to avoid depression after jo loss is staying in touch with your network and constantly sharing new developments. The idea is to reach out and ensure you are in constant talks where you share.
Create structure
Most people who fall into depression after job loss lack structure in their life after suffering the loss. In beating that, you have to create a routine and a plan for job searching. The key is to have goals and prioritize the goals so that you grow step by step.
Focus on bettering yourself
Be it through volunteering or extending kindness through other responsibilities you can take on, the idea is to set on it to improve your self-worth ad thereby maintain your capacity to deliver.
Join online forums
This way, you get to share and understand how others are able to deal with the same challenge. You simply have to develop relationships that will be act as your support system.
Find and see a life coach
They will help you with the strategic development that will definitely get you back to the top. A life coach is a professional that will help you when the time comes to reach out and be open to the available support you will need when you start dealing with job loss.