15 Tips to Dominate Facebook for Emergency Rooms in Houston Texas
15 Tips to Dominate Facebook for Emergency Rooms in Houston Texas
As the subject matter experts over at runrex.com are quick to point out, it is hardly breaking news that Facebook is an important marketing channel, particularly with over 2 billion users. However, for many practitioners in the healthcare sector, including emergency rooms, setting up a Facebook presence can be quite challenging. If you are an emergency room in Houston, Texas and are considering investing in Facebook marketing for your practice, or you want to revamp your current approach, here are 15 tips that will help you dominate.
- Create a Company Page
According to the experts over at guttulus.com, when it comes to the medical community, using a personal Facebook account to represent your brand will be viewed as unprofessional, which is why you must build an official company page for your emergency room to serve as your primary channel for interactions and engagements on the network.
- Ensure that your contact information is clear
When creating the profile of your emergency room’s Facebook Company Page, you must make your contact information clear and easy-to-find. This means including your ER’s phone number(s), address, as well as a link to your main website to make it as easy as possible for people looking to find you after interacting with your page on Facebook to do so.
- Use appropriate photos
It is also important that you use appropriate photos for both your cover and profile pictures when completing your profile. As is outlined over at runrex.com, this will be one of the first things users notice about your account and will be the face of your ER on Facebook hence why it is important to get it right. Consider using professionally-take photos of your ER team, or your premises, or even your logo here, taking care not to use the same photo for both your cover and profile picture.
- Add a call-to-action
CTAs are key when completing a Facebook Company Page for your emergency room. Your prospective patients must know what to do once they come across your page if they want to access your services, whether it is to visit your website or call your offices directly, or both. This is why it is important that you add clear and highly visible CTAs to your profile and throughout your page, including your content to facilitate this.
- Ensure that your content is short and digestible
As far as the content you post on your page is concerned, the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com recommend that you put up content that is both short, and easy-to-digest for your audience. The last thing you want is to put up lengthy content that is full of technical terms and medical jargon of a condition or treatment. This will just confuse them and put them off, which will lead to them leaving and probably never returning.
- Use Facebook to promote longer-form content
Rather than posting long-winded content on your Facebook page, you should consider using your ER’s Company Page and posts therein to promote longer-form, onsite content, like your blog posts, podcasts, or interviews. This ensures that you keep your posts short and sweet to keep your audience engaged, while also coming with the added benefit of driving more qualified traffic to your site.
- Include visual elements to your posts
As is revealed over at runrex.com, good Facebook posts contain visual elements like images, infographics, videos, and so forth. Avoid putting up text-only posts and ensure that your posts include compelling images and videos, particularly those that highlight your ER facilities, staff, and general expertise on matters of medical emergencies.
- Join related Facebook groups
There are many Facebook groups that you can join so to connect with and engage with your target audience. Look for Facebook groups that are related to emergency medicine and join them, taking care to join those that are credible. Also, when posting in such groups, avoid being overly-promotional as this will put of group members and will only harm your chances, instead, focus on providing them with valuable and helpful content.
- Showcase your involvement in community matters and events
If your ER sponsors or participates in community or charity events in Houston, Texas, then you must use your ER’s Company Page to highlight this involvement. This will show your audience that you are part of the community and will help bring you goodwill and build brand credibility, helping you acquire more patients as per discussions on the same over at guttulus.com.
- Share stories about your practice
Every organization, including emergency rooms, has a story to tell about how it came about and its history. You should use your Company Page to post content chronicling the story of your ER’s inception, creation, challenges faced along the way, and some of your success stories. This will humanize your practice, and help create a bond between you and your audience.
- Showcase your physicians
If you want to dominate Facebook as an emergency room, you must use your Facebook Company Page to showcase your physicians. Post photos of your ER doctors and link them back to their bio page on your website. Highlight some of the facts as far as your physicians are concerned like where they went to medical school, or even light-hearted things like their favorite coffee order which will help humanize your physicians, not mention the fact that such content can quickly go viral as revealed over at runrex.com.
- Share patient reviews and testimonials
Highlighting your patients, who are the people you live to serve, should be a no-brainer. Make sure that you activate the feature that allows patients to leave reviews and testimonials, and ensure that you are offering excellent services to get positive reviews. Also, make sure that you reply to each of the reviews that you will get, whether positive or negative.
- Leverage Facebook advertising
You can boost your Facebook marketing efforts even further by investing in Facebook ads. As explained over at guttulus.com, Facebook ads will allow you to target patients based on key demographic information such as age, gender, language, and so forth, including geographical location which will allow you to target prospective clients in Houston, Texas.
- Be consistent
Consistency is key if you are to be successful and dominate on Facebook. You should ensure that you regularly post on your Company Page, aiming for about 3 to 5 posts every week. You should also use analytics and carry out testing to find out what the best times, and days, are for posting to get the most bang out of your buck as far as your posts are concerned.
- Check out Facebook Live
Given that Facebook users spend 3 times longer watching live videos on Facebook as compared to other content, this is a feature you should consider using. You can use Facebook Live to give preventative care demos including a symptoms checklist, for weekly live chats, and so forth.
To go with the above tips, you should also consider bringing in the highly-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com to help with your emergency room’s Facebook marketing efforts, as they are the best agencies for such services in Houston, Texas.