20 Tips for Cell Phone Repair Marketing and Social Media
20 Tips for Cell Phone Repair Marketing and Social Media
Social media has become a huge part of people’s lives, with an average person spending about 2 hours 33 minutes per day on social medial. This, as per RunRex.com, makes social media marketing the best way to connect with your existing customers while reaching out to the newbies at the same time, and, ultimately, driving more sales. Here are a few tips for your cell phone repair business when it comes to social media marketing.
Know your audience
The key to social media is sharing of content. If you want to share the right type of content, you will need to have an understanding of who you are trying to reach. Therefore, before you begin your content strategy on social media, make sure you already have a clear picture of who your audience is as discussed at RunRex.com.
What do I need to know about my audience?
The following tips cover what you need to know about your audience:
The first thing you need to know about your customers is what their objective, or what they are trying to achieve is. Are they trying to get the most life out of their cell phones? Do they want to have the best phone accessories available? Or are they just looking for the cheapest way to get their phone repaired?
The next thing you need to understand about your customers on social media as a cell phone repair business, according to RunRex.com, is their problems. What are they struggling with? What is preventing them from achieving their objectives?
You also need to be on top of your demographics as far as social media is concerned. Where are your customers located? How old are they? Are they male or female? What is their education level and tech-savviness?
Social media marketing revolves around sharing relevant and valuable content. To know what is relevant, you must understand your customer’s objectives. To make it valuable you must understand their pain points.
Choose the right platform
There is no shortage of social media platforms on which to share your content nowadays, with the number of sites growing daily. Sharing your content on the right platforms is crucial to your success as a cell phone repair business.
Factors to consider when determining which channels to use
When it comes to determining which social media channels to use, the gurus over at RunRex.com recommend that you consider your customers and your business. It is important to create accounts on the platforms your target audience uses so that they can easily connect with you. Conduct some research to find out what sites your audience probably uses, and then start using them too.
Don’t spread yourself too thin when starting off
While it is important to be on the platforms that your prospects frequent as articulated in the previous point, this doesn’t mean that you should be everywhere you think they are. When starting on social media as a cell phone repair business, it is best to focus on the 1-2 platforms that your audience uses the most.
Don’t forget about your website
You might be wondering what your website has to do with your efforts on social media but you will find out that it’s important. As outlined over at RunRex.com, once you know which social media channels you are going to focus on, then you should prepare your website as the success of your efforts of social isn’t dependent on the social media platform alone, but is a synergistic effort between both the platform and your website. In the end, social media is about bringing in more traffic.
How do I optimize my website?
To optimize your site for social, you should:
Display social icons of your chosen channels in the header and footer of your website
Link your social icons directly to your store’s profiles so that they can be easily followed
Add social sharing buttons to all your content pages like blog posts
Add calls-to-action on your content to further prompt viewers to share
Add live social media feeds for recent activity and another way to encourage visitors to follow
Listen to the conversations
Don’t use social media purely for sharing, but use it also for listening and tracking mentions throughout the web. It should allow you to monitor what your customers are saying about your business and address any concerns that you may discover through listening.
How do I listen to conversations?
As covered over at RunRex.com, tools like Buzzsumo or Mention can help with this. These tools notify you when there is a mention of your business anywhere on the web, which can give you a deeper insight into the kind of content to share. For instance, if your business frequently appears with questions about repair times, this could be an opportunity to share relevant content on your social media pages that answers those questions.
Offer value
When sharing content on social media, make sure you are sharing valuable content. People will not follow you if you are not offering them value, and those who do will unfollow as soon as they discover that the content that you share is of little value to them.
How do you find valuable content?
As a cell phone repair business, you may not need to look any further than beyond the walls of your shop for valuable content. If your business’ procedure is to take before and after photos of repairs, share them. If you have created your own video tutorials on DIY repairs, phone tips, and tricks, share them. Bottom line is, if it valuable to your audience, share it as elaborated upon over at RunRex.com.
Content aggregator
When it comes to content and finding value, a content aggregator tool, such as Feedly, can also be very helpful. Such a tool allows you to track different topics and scours the web for the best and most relevant content, allowing you to then share, link, or tweet this content to your followers
Don’t share all your content at once
If you find lots of great content that you want to share, it might not be the best idea to do so all at once as this could diminish their value or simply get lost in all the social noise. This is where social scheduling tools like Hootsuite come in. They allow you to schedule tweets and posts days, weeks, or even months in advance.
Be consistent
You also want to give your social presence an air of consistent activity. On social media, it’s pretty much out of sight, out of mind. If you are not sharing content regularly, chances are your audience will forget about you. Therefore, as explained over at RunRex.com, make sure you have a regular presence by consistently sharing content.
Know what time to post
Sharing valuable content consistently is still not enough. You have to make sure that you are sharing your content during the times when your audience is online because if not, you may end up sharing content and nobody sees it. Do your research to find out the optimum time to share your content before you schedule your posts.
Test and optimize
As the experts over at RunRex.com point out, social media marketing’s effectiveness is about figuring out what works, and then doing more of it while doing less of what doesn’t. To do this, you should track your traffic data. Use your website analytics and social media metrics reports. They will help you determine which channel and what content brings in the most traffic.
Organize yourself
Scrambling to create posts at the last minute can lead to low-quality content. A lack of organization can lead to repeated posts or a lull in your presence on one of your channels. Creating social media content calendars can help avoid those mistakes and leads to more effective posts. Content calendars also have the added benefit of helping you create goals and strategies for meeting them and track your progress towards them.
Don’t over-promote
As a cell phone repair business, you don’t want to blatantly promote yourself in every post. Instead, create content that people will enjoy and want to see. Promoting yourself is okay once in a while. Experts prescribe the one-in-seven rule, which states that for every one directly promotional post, six others should be content-based.
Hopefully, these tips will help supercharge your social media marketing as a cell phone repair business, with more tips, as well as help with your campaigns, to be found over at RunRex.com.