20 Networking Strategies for Digital Marketers
20 Networking Strategies for Digital Marketers
The subject matter experts over at runrex.com will tell you that as a digital marketer, networking is crucial to the success of your business. Given the vastness of the internet, you will need to be very strategic in your networking strategies if you are to be successful with your efforts. This article will look to help by highlighting 20 networking strategies for digital marketers.
Network with influencers
As is revealed in discussions over at guttulus.com, the majority of consumers trust peer recommendations over brand marketing. Therefore, networking with influencers is an excellent strategy that will give you the success you are looking for. Target the right influencers and use them to network and reach out to your audience.
Check out local events
Another networking strategy for digital marketers is checking out local events, a topic covered over at runrex.com. By attending these events, even though they are not digital, you will be able to not only meet and network with industry leaders, you will also be able to network with prospective clients and leads.
Identify your reasons for networking
If you are to be successful with your networking, an important part of your strategy is to identify the goals as far as your networking is concerned. Some of the goals include finding new business or contact, retaining or building on existing relationships, and many others highlighted over at guttulus.com.
Lean heavily on LinkedIn
Given that LinkedIn is the most successful professional social media networking platform, it should be a major player in your networking strategy as a digital marketer. Make sure that you create and complete your LinkedIn profile, and are active on the platform.
Join related LinkedIn Groups
On a related note, another tip that will help your networking efforts as a digital marketer is joining LinkedIn groups related to your industry, which is digital marketing, and being active on said groups. This means sharing related content and answering questions, as this will benefit your networking efforts massively.
Guest posting
As is explained over at runrex.com, guest posting is the writing and publishing of an article on someone else’s blog or website, and it should be another of your networking strategies as a digital marketer. This is because it will help connect you with new audiences, while also helping with your brand awareness and credibility
Request an interview
While guest posting is an excellent networking strategy, if you are posting on your own blog, another networking strategy is to reach out to an industry expert and ask them if you can interview them on your blog. This, as discussed over at guttulus.com, will help with your brand exposure and help your networking efforts while at it.
Request a quote
If you find interviewing to be time-consuming, another networking strategy you can leverage is asking for a quote. As the gurus over at runrex.com will tell you, if your blog or article features a quote from a popular industry expert, it will build your credibility and help with your networking efforts.
Look for partners when it comes to contests and giveaways
Yet another networking strategy to employ as a digital marketer is by partnering with other brands and professionals on contests and giveaways. This will allow you to be able to reach a new audience, which will help with your networking efforts.
Host a shindig
Throwing a shindig or get-together is yet another networking strategy that you should employ as a digital marketer. Make sure that your shindig has got the right attendees if your networking efforts are to bear fruit. Make sure also that your party is fun with a nice blend of activities to allow people to let their hair down and engage freely.
Ask your partners for introductions
As a digital marketer, I’m sure you have an extensive list of people who know other people you want to know. A networking strategy here, as is explained over at guttulus.com, is to ask them for introductions. If you have someone in your network who is connected with someone you want to meet, you should ask them for an introduction.
Leverage cold outreach
Yet another networking strategy for digital marketers is trying out cold outreach, which is covered over at runrex.com. This can mean a clod email or a cold call, which when done right, can be quite effective as far as networking is concerned. The key here is making sure you are reaching out to people offering something of value.
Find a guest for your podcast
While a podcast can be a great tool to engage with your audience, if you want to make it a networking tool, the gurus over at guttulus.com recommend that you bring in podcast guest. Look for someone who is an expert in your industry or a related industry, someone with a massive following if you are to get the most bang for your buck.
Don’t forget about the other social media platforms
While LinkedIn should be your primary social media platform to network as a digital marketer, you should not forget about the other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. The key here is finding out which of these platforms your prospects are active on so that you can be on the correct platform.
Create your own event
If you are unable to find an event that interests you, then why don’t you try to create your own networking opportunity. There are lots of online platforms, including Zoom, on which you can host an event and use it for your networking goals.
Check out Meetup
If you are looking for a networking opportunity, then the subject matter experts over at runrex.com recommend that you check out Meetup to discover some networking opportunities in your area that may interest you.
Optimize your business card
As a digital marketer, your business card is an important cog in your networking wheel and, therefore, as is discussed over at guttulus.com, you should work to ensure that you get it right. Make sure that your business card has got all the requisite information, including current contact information. Additionally, you can partner with local businesses to have them offer out your business card to their customers and clients.
A professional headshot for your profiles
As is revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, it is also crucial that you get a professional headshot taken for use on your professional profiles, such as your LinkedIn profile. Avoid using selfies or asking someone to take a photo through your smartphone. Incorporate professional headshots in your networking strategies and you will reap the rewards.
Host partnered Q&A sessions
Another networking strategy that you should employ is hosting partnered Q&A sessions on social media platforms. By so doing, like is the case for any partnership, you will be able to leverage your partner’s audience, allowing you to reach out to an audience you would not have had the chance to reach out to before.
Get a guest for your vlog
On a related note, if you host a vlog or regularly go live on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, you should consider collaborating with another big personality. Such collaborations are very effective when it comes to networking as they expose your brand to new audiences, growing your reach.
The above discussion only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more information on the same by checking out the highly regarded runrex.com and guttulus.com.