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Will Millennials Ever Completely Shun The Office?

Will Millennials Ever Completely Shun The Office?

One of the significant workplace issues is whether millennials will ever fit into the traditional workplace. This is especially so when you consider the internet and how it has made everyone interconnected. It has also meant that any job can be done from anywhere and results delivered with the touch of a button. Here at, we seek to shed some light on this issue.

Why It Matters

Finding an answer to this problem is important since, by the next two decades, millennials will make up almost the entire workforce. Another reason is that most millennials, in fact about 50% of them, say that job flexibility is more important to them than better pay. In another study, it was found that over 80% of all millennials believe that they are allowed to come up with their schedule.

Some experts believe that the focus on the nine to five workday is not just practical anymore. This is because this schedule is not an accurate reflection of how work is done today. It has been found that people are usually more productive when allowed to work at their own pace. At some companies, they have created a policy where all employees have to be around the office from noon to five. Thus, there is always some overlap between the employees.

Strike A Balance Between Real Life And Digital Collaboration

At some offices, you will find perks such as free food, a gym, and even laundry service. You would think that this would encourage employees to come to the workplace. However, despite this most workers come to the office just because they find it easier to work with others. Some employees feel that the most effective collaboration will only occur when everyone is at the office.

In short, some employees do not come to the office because it is a requirement. They just do it because it makes it easier to collaborate with others. Young people have developed the reputation as being always on. In fact, about 80% of all young people sleep with the phone next to their bed. However, they are still susceptible to digital overload.

While technology can empower you to do ten things at the same time, it can also be an impediment. If you are always being bombarded with emails, texts, and voice messages from the office, it can be a bit overwhelming. Some companies require that employee stack their phones in one area during meetings to avoid any distractions.

For some employees, the personal touch is essential. They believe that although producing high-quality work matters, chilling out with employees at the office is also important. For these employees, talking to teammates in the workplace is part of the fun of working.

Looking People In The Eye Sill Matters

For a majority of employees, including millennials, and especially older generations, looking at someone in the eye is quite essential. They want to be in a space where they can bond, communicate, and collaborate with other workers. In some cases, workers just want to discuss things such as their career plans in person. It can also be a great way to gain insight into some personal issues that employees are facing.

While the advances in technology will allow people to work remotely, it is never going to replace in-person contact. Body language such as gestures, eye contact, and body posture will still matter even in the future. Some people say that they can communicate better with others when they look them in the eye.

It Can Be Distracting To Work At Home

Another issue you need to consider is the serenity that the workplace provides. At home, it can be a bit distracting, especially when you have friends coming over and children playing around. For some people, these distractions are just too much. They are not ready to give the peace that an office setting provides to work from wherever they please.

It is also a fact that although some employees are quite brilliant, they usually require a bit of supervision to remain focused. It is especially so when they are new junior employees who need to be taught the ropes of the job. Thus, a future workplace with no doors might not be a reality anytime soon.


Another issue has to do with security. Some of the tasks employees carry out might be too sensitive to be taken home with them. For instance, it might be dangerous to send some files over the public internet. It means that employees need to be in the workplace where it is easier to monitor security.


Millennials might have all the technology required to change the business landscape. However, it appears that for now, closing the office doors for good is not a possibility. The office is going to be here for a few generations to come.

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