Why Millennials are Unhappy? 10 Facts
Why Millennials are Unhappy? 10 Facts
In about half a decade from now, millennials will take over more than half of the global workforce. They will take control of the economy. The older generations have labeled the millennials “lazy and unhappy” in their workplaces, at work and even at home. They feel that the millennials are less engaged with their occupations with most leaving in less than 3 years out of boredom and sadness. Let us find out why millennials are unhappy?
Boss baby attitudes
Most millennials have been raised up with the desire to own up to their lives. With the tools such as high education and exposure to other races and nationals, they no longer deem it normal to take the normal paths to success. This kind of mindset has come with a few loopholes in which they desire the end result without putting much effort into the dream. Most get disappointed and go back to follow the normal programmed system which makes them unchallenged leaving them unhappy.
Addicted to social media
Social media brings a lot of people together through likes, statuses, and shares among other platforms. Your life isn’t supposed to look like your pal’s life. At one point he or she might outgrow the friendship and perhaps move on to a better life. Now with social media people will still follow up with one’s life even after the parting. With their life looking better, one may fall into sadness since theirs isn’t turning as perfect as their pals. During the pre-smartphone error, this was unheard of. People moved on and probably even met only on the streets after ages living space for people to live their lives happily.
Other generations’ perspective.
Other generations have been quick to observe and conclude that millennials are the unhappiest generation of all times. While this is debatable, other generations didn’t have much in life as a success in life was built on one’s ability to live happily with the family for longer. Millennials, on the other hand, are hungry to progress more and see more advancements in life. With the many challenges and competition they face, they are likely to get more disappointed than the rest of the generations. Due to this point of view from the other earlier generations, they will be labeled as unhappy.
Too much pressure
We can agree to disagree but you know that millennials have pressure from all sides. Right from home where one is expected to be at their best, to school where the best grades get you to the best places; they said. You will be required to have a good job that can take care of you and your family and probably your parents at old age. Millennials are struggling to be someone in the community with all the competition from their peers. This may take a drain on some who are misunderstood which only makes them unhappy.
Digital technology
Millennials have been known to be more exposed to digital technology. With many representing themselves online, most have no physical friends. It is completely unnatural to have zero friends who can actually cheer you up when you as sad. So mostly, millennials are happy while online but revert back to their unhappy lives while offline.
Daily boring routines
The alarm clock wakes you up, you prepare then head out for a cup of coffee on your way to work, stare at the screen for hours, head out at 5pm, take a shower, order a pizza since you are too tired to cook dinner and at last catch up with movies on Netflix since they aren’t going to watch themselves. This is a routine millennials take every day which is similar to zombies. We get used to being unhappy and bored that we get numb and used to it.
More susceptible to mental health problems
With the rise in depression among millennials probably contributed by the hectic ways of life today, many are likely to be unhappy due to the many negative variables that come their way. Constant panic and worry due to depression decrease the quality of life.
Inflated expectations
Growing up, most millennials have been told that going to school paves way for the best jobs out there. But the competition also rises among millennials. Again, reality hit them hard once after they have graduated and are now job hunting. Most of their expectations get crushed leaving them unhappy and depressed. Their view of life is no longer as bright.
Millennials and debts go hand in hand. With penalties and employment uncertainties, millennials surge deeper into unhappiness since they spend most of their time thinking about their financial worries instead of enjoying life.
Dealing with the job market
The competition is hectic with millennials occupying most of the job slots and population. If not handled correctly one may surge into stress and depression which is certainly not a happy feeling. Check out Ppchire.com and beat the competition in the digital job market. Don’t be unhappy.