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Why Job Searching is Depressing? 10 Tips

Why Job Searching is Depressing? 10 Tips

Regularly getting turned down for job opportunities can get to even the most optimistic person. This can be like a being hit by a double whammy especially for a person who has just lost their job and is therefore on the lookout for fresh employment. It is one of the main causes of depression anywhere in the world. This article will look to highlight 10 tips why job searching causes depression with more on this topic among many more to be found as always on the ever reliable

The first tip that helps explain why job searching causes depression is how it causes shame. If someone is unemployed, and especially if they have been for a while, they tend to feel ashamed. This normally result to such people staying away from social events where the topic of their employment may crop up or to even lie and hide their employment status from friends and family all together. This eventually leads to depression.

The next tip that goes some way to explaining just why job searching is depressing is the financial strain it places on those out of employment and therefore looking to get back on the job market. Such people are in a situation where their main source of income has dried up and therefore have to tighten their belts which leads to a reduction in the quality of life and thereafter depression sets in.

Another tip that goes into the matter of job searching being depressing is the rejection that is associated with it. Given how competitive the job market is, single job postings get tons of applications which only means that many people will be turned down. Even though it is the nature of the game, getting rejected over and over again will eventually lead to such individuals feeling low and bad about themselves and depression soon ensues.

Yet another tip that is highlighting just how job searching may lead to depression is how it leaves one with the feeling of being unwanted. When you are repeatedly turned down when searching for a job you end up feeling like your talents and skills are unwanted. This leads someone to begin feeling as if they were worthless from which depression could arise.

Another tip that shows just how job searching is depressing is the feeling of uncertainty it breeds. It is common knowledge that certainty leads to people feeling happier. When you are out of a job and searching the uncertainty of how your resumes are being perceived, how long you will remain in that situation and where your next paycheck is going to come from may eventually lead to someone feeling depressed over the whole issue.

Everyone wants to feel in control and it is no surprise that one of the tips that may explain why job searching is depressing is the feeling of loss of control it elicits. This is because when out looking for a job, there is a feeling that whether you get the job or not is out of your control. This is made even worse if you had lost your job suddenly. This eventually leads to people feeling depressed.

Another tip that can help explain why job searching can be depressing is the interaction with other job seekers. Sometimes you may talk to someone who has been on the job hunt for a long time and it can have you feeling like that is also your fate. Commiserations from fellow job seekers may end up doing more harm than the good they are intended to do leading to a state of depression.

Another tip that may go some way in explaining why job searching can be depressing is the fact that a sizeable amount of most job seekers may be breadwinners or may be supporting family or other people. This therefore means that looking for a job or being on the job hunt for a prolonged period of time may be a bit depressing as one will be wondering just how he is supposed to meet his commitments.

One tip that usually goes a long way in explaining just why job searching could be depressing is when people who are out of a job and searching go for family engagements and are faced with the lives their friends and family are living. Some friends and family sometimes try to make you feel as if everything is fine and it is no big deal but that could sometimes not have the desired effect. This could lead to depression.

One more tip that may help explain why job searching could be depressing is the strength that is usually needed to deal with everything that comes with job searching and still keeping it all together for when you go for interviews or are networking. The sheer mental exhaustion this brings could eventually lead to someone being depressed.

The above are just some of the tips that help explain why job searching can get quite depressing with more on this and a whole lot more to be found by visiting

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