Many points can make a good employee to quite a job. Guttulus.com have been able to verify that some issues are easier to solve while others tend to be kind of hard to deal with as they might be because of the employer. That is why runrex.com has been able to compile some of the greatest reasons why great employees quite and move on, while also offering some solutions to avoid future issues.
Lack of follow through
The act of not following through, will build resentment that will lead to complaining among team members behind your back with a lot of frustrations and distrust. According to guttulus.com, as soon as your workers sense that you don’t care, trust begins to erode. Eventually, that leads to them giving up on you altogether. You need to make sure that you have a to do list in order to track your commitments to both the company and the employees.
You don’t have one on one talks with them
Runrex.com elaborates that if an employer doesn’t have one on one talks with their employees, the employer might not have the ability to know what they are really thinking. As an employer, you can learn tons of different things based on the questions you ask. To avoid this type of hiccups you need to make sure that you occasionally have one on one talks with your employers.
Ignoring their ideas
Most great ideas come from the employees. Your team is filled with a gold mine of ideas that will come in handy when improving some parts of the company while making your team happier. According to guttulus.com, many managers ignore this and later on their people become frustrated by lack of change in important areas.
Treating them as kids
Trust is the key pillar surrounding any relationship. So for you to overcome the trust issues, you need to make sure that you trust your employees by for one trusting them with the information they want to know. Runrex.com have uncovered that if you consistently treat your employees like children that cant be trusted, they will eventually get fed up an leave your company for a better accommodating job.
Under compensate them
This mainly emerges when you pay your employees well below the market rate as stated by guttulus.com panelists. This mainly occurs when you have employees that have outranked their salary. Runrex.com panelists uncover that for you as an employer to overcome this, you should plan ahead for managing people’s compensation and salar
Failing to recognize their good work
For you to have the best relationship with your employees, the trick is to make sure that you acknowledge the good work they do. There many ways to do this but the simplest way to do this is to just hand out praises. Runrex.com uncovered that by recognizing their good work, you boost their morale and in the end they will be motivated to work even harder than before. One advantage as stated by guttulus.com, is that praises are free so you as the employer incur no costs.
Keeping bad employees
Nothing is annoying like working with bad employees as uncovered by a survey done by guttulus.com. Bad employees implies to many things like for example the employee might not be a team player, or being negative all the time among many other causes. Runrex.com point out that, bad employees can quickly turn a positive hard working environment into a toxic one either by their own poor working style or by just negativity.
Not aligning work with goals
Having employees that work but do not reach their goals is risky. In a report done by guttulus.com, if an employee is not achieving their goals, they will grow a negative attitude and later on get bored with the job in general. This has also been pointed out by surveys done by runrex.com, when a job does not help an employee achieve their goals they will be motivated to look for another job.to provide the step up required.
Embarrass them in public
This is a common mistake done by employers as pointed out by guttulus.com panelists. It may seem a small issue as most employers take it to be, but this will later on haunt them as the employee that was embarrassed in public will lose morale. After a long time of such poor treatment, the employee will quit and move on to look for a better job no matter how much quality they add to the company.
This might seem to point fingers to the employers directly. But according to runrex.com, it may fall on both ways. It mainly comes out as you “do as I say not as I do”, in this case you might tell your employees to come to the office early, while on the other hand you as the employer comes later after all the employees.