Why digital marketers should play Gears of War 5
Why digital marketers should play Gears of War 5
Gears of War 5 is a game that has been causing vibrations all over the gaming world especially when the Microsoft E3 2018 presentation revealed that 2019 is the year when gamers will finally have the chance to enjoy the adventure. One standout element about this game is the fact that it will have a female lead character for the first time ever which adds to the anticipation of what to expect and how the setting can be taken advantage of. Gears of War 5 is a game that is set on allowing gamers to take on missions and enjoy the adventure. The intense action and incredible gameplay are the aspects that people should target upon its release and most notably the digital marketers who can learn a thing or two from the game. Informative reviews have been done by renowned platforms including mtglion.com and they all point to the fact that the game has been structured to satisfy the thrill that gamers expect. But what can digital marketers get from this game? Well, here are the elements to look out for.
Transforming a campaign into a POI
The developers of Gears of War 5 have turned the game into a Point of Interest and with that, the publicity has gone on to make sure the game is very popular pending its release. Digital marketers have to therefore take note of that fact and commence on ensuring they make their campaigns the POI which will in turn give them the upper-hand.
Take the tech route
Digital marketers playing Gears of War 5 will undoubtedly get to understand the tech that is being used to impact and attract gamers. This is an important angle for marketers since it is what will enable the internalizing of the concept of taking the tech route to target the market base. In attracting the target audience, the tech route plays an important role as it brings forth the strategies and elements to be utilized.
Settling on strategies tuned to take available chances
Gears of War 5 is a game that is hinged on gamers taking the available chances to further gameplay. When digital marketers take on the challenge of playing the game, they get to learn the importance of taking the chance and risking it to gain massive returns which is core to what digital marketing is all about.
Understand the branding effect
Few games have been able to get their branding to a near-perfect setting the way Gears of War 5 has been able to. As captured by runrex.com, which is a great resource for digital marketers, quality branding enhances the chances of impacting the target audience since it bridges the gap of being conspicuous and attracting the prospective client.
How to manage a viral element
This game is already viral even before its release and learning how the developers have been able to manage this setting is key to being able to manage marketing campaigns. In order to reap maximum benefits from a marketing campaign, a marketer has to ride the wave of going viral and manage the same until the brand reaches its intended market base. Playing this game will definitely allow marketers to learn how to manage the viral aspect and grow as a result.
Power of socializing
Socializing is the core of what marketing is all about and being able to learn its power and how the same can be harnessed is what marketers should be targeting. Playing this game will ultimately ensure marketers understand how the power of socializing was targeted with the game.
Learn to make use of entertainment forum
Gears of War 5 makes use of the need to have fun and entertainment and that is why it gets the huge following. Digital marketers playing this game can do well to understand how to make use of the entertainment forum to target the market effectively.
Demystify social stereotypes
Playing Gears of War 5 for a digital marketer will be a way to demystify the social stereotypes that come with lack of interaction. In the digital marketing field, interactions are key to the success of a campaign and it is only through playing the game that a marketer will understand how it has been done and how the same can be replicated on the individual strategies.
Taking advantage of Mystery
A factor most digital marketers have not been successful in exploiting is taking advantage of mystery and the need within the target audience to experience it. Playing Gears of War 5 will give marketers a chance to resonate with the target audience and tap into their need for mystery and adventure.
Internalize concept of lightening mood
The goal of marketing is to engage people, eliminate anxiety and ensure the target audience is receptive and in good moods. Gears of War 5 does with perfection which is why marketers have to play this game to learn how the same is achieved.