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Which Is The Best Summer Camp Company? 7 Tips for Finding It?

Which Is The Best Summer Camp Company?  7 Tips for Finding It?

Since time immemorial, summer camps have been known to provide your child with lifelong memories, coupled with a myriad of activities to help your kid as they grow up. For this reason, wise parents plan ahead of time to find a winner summer camp for their children to spend several summer weeks there. Older ones are sent to sleep-away during the summer season. Before deciding on a summer camp company that is suitable, it must have its schedules, activities, and policies in line with what the family practices and beliefs in.

There are many companies these days offering these services, and it might be a daunting task for parents to know which one is the best. However, with the tips below provided by RunRex at hand, nothing can go wrong in your endeavor to find an ideal one for your kids. 

1.    Are the kids of age to attend sleep-away camp?

It is recommended that children under the age of eight years should attend day camps rather than sleep-away camps. To understand this, it is advised that you study your kid and read the signs of whether they are ready to ditch day camps to attend night-away camps. Signs may include positive experiences of the kid’s friends at night away camps among others. 

You may as well want to talk to them and get their opinion on what they would like to learn, advance their expectations, and whether they would like to attend with their close friends or like-minded counterparts. Some kids may also prefer visiting a camp for single gender only, while others would like to go to one where all genders are present. You might at times have to make your final judgment but make sure it is for the benefit of your kid, and ensure their opinions are considered.

2.    The company staff

There is more to look for in the camp’s staff than just their history. First, make sure to research on the staff’s employment history. This will tell you whether the individuals have the least required experience to handle your kids. The experienced staff knows how to deal with emergencies whenever they strike. They also know the best way to manage them. Also, you may want to find out how that company trains their councilors. Find out how many they are and the exact ratio of campers to staff the camp recommends.

3.    Ensure the company is recognized

The state has set various standards for health and safety of a summer camp and every business need to adhere to them. A perfect camp’s selling point is the ability to meet and surpass these standards. For any camp to be allowed to operate, they should demonstrate that they follow these state-set rules and regulations to the latter before they are given the accreditation stamp. Nonetheless, there are a few camps that are good but are yet to be accredited, for various reasons. If you happen to come by such, always inquire to find out why, and then follow up with your other questions. 

4.    Camp’s programs and their intensity

Interest in carrying out activities is better than just experience. Therefore, before you pick on a certain camp, ensure that your kid’s interest is not misplaced. Be sure that your child wants to be involved in the activities that are offered in the said company. The camp should have an intensive approach when it comes to the child’s interest.

5.    Availability of financial aid

Find out whether the camp offers any financial aid before you count your kid out due to lack of funds. These days, more companies have started adopting the practice, ensuring that even the not-so-well up parents can still afford the fees for their kids to attend the summer camp. Therefore, find out whether the camp of your choice will offer you tuition assistance or financial aid. 

Remember camps may vary in costs, from few hundreds to several thousands of dollars. Always find one that offers the services needed by your kid at an affordable price. The best summer camp company will not hesitate to refer you to a suitable foundation that will be handy in providing a scholarship for the kid.

6.    Technology allowed in the camp

Many companies have their set limits on the amount of technology access they allow in the camp. Technology is known to cause destruction among children, however, as much as it can be hard for adults to operate with limited access to their devices, it is much easier to control access for their kids. This makes them concentrate and participate actively in activities. These days many camps around have set policies that limit cell phone use within the camp.

7.    Medical care and safety measures

Medical facilities should be within the vicinity of a perfect summer camp company. The medics should be on site as well. You should inquire about the steps to transport sick or injured children to the hospital and how, and if their parents are notified. On the same breath, make sure that the institution has set safety rules and that they are enforced. Paramount, be sure that the company has insurance coverage before you pick on them.

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