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When shipping clubs makes more sense than checking them

When shipping clubs makes more sense than checking them

Golfers travel with their clubs all the time. However, it has become quite expensive in the recent past. Airports all around the world seem to be targeting golfers in a bid to boost their revenues. Besides the high fees charged by airlines, you will also have to deal with the inconvenience of having to lug your bag all around the airport. 

There is also the fact that you have to drop off a golf bag in a separate area from the rest of your luggage. If these reasons are not enough to convince you to ship your golf bags, here are a few more that, the shipping experts at RunRex think will help you change your mind. 

PGA Tour pros ship their clubs

These people have dedicated their lives to the game of golf. If they see shipping as the best way to transport their clubs, they probably know what is best. You also should probably start shipping your clubs too. 

You are Flying in a Small Regional Aircraft

If you use a small aircraft, you clubs will probably not arrive at the same time as you. The reason for this is that a small aircraft usually reaches its overweight limit quite fast. Thus, they will leave the clubs behind and bring them later when they have space. The result is that you could wait for the clubs until the next day or the next week, depending on the frequency of flights. 

In some other cases, the small aircraft may order you off the flight and to wait for another freight. The result is that your golfing vacation could end up being severely inconvenienced. If you know that at any time during your golfing vacation that you will have to use a small regional aircraft, you should probably ship your clubs. 

You do not want the inconvenience of the luggage check-in area  

If you are only going to be traveling with a golf bag, you could save yourself a lot of time by using a shipping company. A Shipping company such as RunRex will pack and label your golf clubs for you. Thus, you only have to think about playing golf during your trip. Sometimes, carrying your golf bag with you at the airport can even cause you to miss your flight. 

You want proper insurance for your clubs

If your clubs are damaged, most airlines will not take any responsibility. It is especially so if you use a soft-shelled golf travel bag. In some cases, you could even be asked to sign a waiver form, to show you how serious the airlines are about not compensating you. If you use a shipping company, you could qualify for over $1000 of insurance cover for your clubs. 

If you are taking an international flight

Flying international can be quite stressful especially when you have to take a connecting flight. At international hubs, you will be forced to go through customs, which can be stressful if you are not used to it. Besides that, the lines at the customs can be quite lengthy, which means you will have to spend a lot of time waiting to be served. To avoid all these inconveniences, simply use a shipping company such as RunRex and wait for you clubs at your golfing destination. 

You have little trust in the airport workers at the baggage claim area

The airlines mishandle over 20 million bags every year. That means that there is a good chance the knuckleheads at the baggage claim area could send your precious golf clubs to the wrong destination. If you are lucky, you could find them in a week or a month, long after your golfing vacation is over. 

If you want your clubs to arrive at the resort without any inconveniences

When you use a shipping company such RunRex your clubs can be picked right from your doorstep to the resort where you will stay. It is a great way for you to reduce the anxiety that may come with a golfing vacation. Besides that, they can deliver the golf clubs back to your home after you are done with your golfing vacation.  

If you are traveling to an area that is outside the airline’s delivery radius

Airlines are quite good at delivering golf bags, but up to a certain point. It is especially so when you are staying far away from the airport. In such an instance, the airline will only deliver the clubs up to a certain point and force you to go pick them up. In some cases, they will not bother to deliver your clubs if you stay more than an hour away from the airport.

You are traveling with a large family

If you have the kids come along for your golfing vacation, it could be quite inconveniencing for you. In most cases, it means that you will have to hire a bigger SUV than the one you would have hired. To avoid all of these problems, simply choose a golf shipping company such as RunRex, which has been doing these for years. 

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