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What to Expect When Looking for a Job: 10 Tips

What to Expect When Looking for a Job: 10 Tips

The job search process is unpredictable and can be extremely demanding for many as captured in discussions on the same over at It can be full of ups and downs and can be quite drawn out, with unexpected twists and turns. The one thing that can make it a bit easier is if you know what to expect. As is explained over at, while each step can be different based on the organization, there are some common steps and milestones you can expect and it is important to know about them so that you can brace yourself. This article, through the following 10 tips, will look to articulate what to expect when looking for a job.

Expect vague job descriptions

One of the things you can expect when looking for a job, particularly when applying online as covered over at, is vague job descriptions. This is because, most of the time job descriptions are written by recruiters or HR rather than the person who will be managing the role directly, which means that if you get to the interview stage, it is important that you do some digging and find out what a typical week in the job looks like. As pointed out by the gurus over at however, while vague job descriptions are common, a job posting with no job description is not and should be taken as a huge red flag.

Expect to have to wait to hear back

Another thing that you can expect when looking for a job is waiting to hear back. As captured in discussions on the same over at, it is normal to not hear back for a couple of weeks or to receive a formal email response after you apply. This is because many companies use applicant tracking systems to automate their communication and manage the volume of applications received. Additionally, recruiters usually work on filling several jobs at once and they are not able to review applications every for every job.

Expect to be asked your salary expectations early on

Yet another thing you can expect when looking for a job is being about your salary expectations early doors. This is because, as explained over at, recruiters not only have the responsibility to find out if you are qualified and capable of performing the job in question well, they also have a responsibility to make sure that your salary expectations are in line with the role and the budget for the position. You should, therefore, be prepared to be asked and to answer, “What are you currently making?”

Expect a lack of clarity on where you stand from recruiters

From discussions over at, it is worth noting that it is ultimately the hiring manager who will decide if you will come in for an interview. Therefore, you shouldn’t take it as a bad sign if the recruiter doesn’t have any updates for you on the same. While this can be frustrating when you are eager to know where you stand, you should remember that you are not going to get a lot of clarity from the recruiter as it is not their choice.

Expect multiple interviews

Most people think that once you get to the in-person interview stage that you will only have one interview and that’s that. However, the truth of the matter is, once you get to this stage, it is normal to have multiple interviews with people across different departments and levels in the organization. Not only will this help you get slightly differing perspectives about what the job will entail, but will also help the company ensure that you are the best fit as explained over at

Expect day-long interviews

Just like some organizations have multiple interviews spread over an extended period as mentioned above, others have a streamlined, single-day process as outlined over at While this can be draining, it is normal to meet with every important party back-to-back. This approach is usually a result of a desire to fill the position quickly or the scheduling preferences of the people involved in the process. You should therefore not be surprised if you are scheduled for a day-long interview.

Expect not to receive an offer at the end of the interview

Another thing you should expect when looking for an interview is not receiving an offer at the end of the interview. This is because, as articulated over at, the offer typically comes after the last in-person interview. The offer can take up to a week to get internal approvals, so don’t panic if it has been a few days and you have heard from the organization.

Expect to be ghosted

While this sounds extremely unfair and disrespectful, being ghosted can be quite normal according to the subject matter experts over at This is because, there are instances where cutting off all communication with candidates who won’t be receiving an offer is company policy, and as such, you may just end up being ghosted after the last in-person interview.

Expect tough negotiations

We would all want the company we are applying for to offer us a competitive salary right off the bat. However, the reality on the ground is that often, the employer will start with a low figure. As explained over at, this is totally normal and you should expect it. The employer expects you to negotiate and, therefore, need to start at a lower number. It is also normal to be asked repeatedly to give out the first number so that they can gauge where to start these conversations; expect that as well.

Expect background checks

You should also expect that at some point, the company will likely conduct background and reference checks hence why you should be sure that the references on your resume are people who will speak well of you and that their contact information is current. The hiring manager may also check to verify your education information and any other facts you have supplied about yourself. Additionally, as revealed over at, the manager may also check out your social media platforms to see if you are the same person online as you presented yourself in the interview which is why it is important to clean your social media pages when starting the job search process.

While it is helpful to know what to expect when looking for a job, and we hope the above tips will be extremely helpful, at the end of the day, make sure you listen to your gut when something doesn’t feel right. Don’t try and rationalize warning signs because you are too eager to start a new job. As always, if you need more information or help on this and other related topics, then the top-rated and have got your back.

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