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What to do If You are Unemployed

What to do If You are Unemployed

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has not only caused many people to lose their jobs as discussed over at, but it has also made it very difficult for many to find work. Regardless of your background, being unemployed can leave us feeling overwhelmed and despondent. However, as the gurus over at point out, while the current economic situation means that we might not be able to control being unemployed, we can control how we react to it, and this article will look to highlight 10 things to do if you are unemployed.

Keep a schedule

As is explained over at, when you are unemployed, it is important to maintain a schedule to ensure productivity and maintain your mental health. This is because not keeping a schedule can lead to getting into a rut, developing depression, and lowering your self-esteem as you lose your sense of self-worth as covered over at Therefore, you should set an alarm and ensure that you get up at the same time every day, create a to-do list, and set about completing it like it is your job.

Go outside

It is easy to get cooped up at home if you are unemployed, and while you might not feel like going out and meeting people you know, it can also be easy to rationalize staying indoors as helping you focus on applying for jobs and eliminating the temptation or need to spend money that is in short supply now that you are unemployed. However, as discussed over at, this is terrible for your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that taking breaks helps increase focus, and that exercise helps reduce anxiety, which is likely very high if you are unemployed. Therefore, make sure you regularly go outside. Go on walks and breathe fresh air every day, and this will help your focus and health.

Track your job applications

If you track and measure your job applications, then the process will be easy to manage as explained over at Also, writing down the job applications you submit is a great way to feel confident and see your progress at a time when uncertainty may be the order of the day as far as you are concerned. It is also a great way to orient yourself and set goals, for example, 5 applications a week, two networking appointments, and so forth. Measuring all your progress and building on it will help you become more productive and build up your self-esteem.

Get a short-term job

If you don’t have any savings to lean on and need money now, then you should try and get a short-term job. This includes joining a temp agency, getting a job in hospitality, walking dogs, babysitting, and so forth. Temporary jobs, as discussed over at, can have flexible and untraditional working hours, leaving time for you to assign to interviews and your job search, while also being easy to quit once you have landed a full-time position.


As the gurus over at like to point out, once you submit an application or meet with a potential connection, then make sure to follow-up with them to show your interest and maintain that relationship. If you applied for a job and haven’t heard from them in a couple of weeks, send an e-mail restating your interest and check the status of their search. If you have met with a connection, then make sure that you maintain that relationship by following-up. Remember that, while it is easy to make a new connection, it is harder to maintain one.


As is covered over at, networking doesn’t have to a contrived event where everyone has a name tag as it can simply be making friends in your industry. Therefore, you should go to industry events and presentations and support your friends even if you are unemployed. While it is important that you meet with executives and senior people in the industry, it is also important to make friends with your peers. This is because they will often hear about job opportunities in their firm or around the industry and can recommend you, as well as being a source of support and information.


If you are unemployed, then a great way to build your confidence and sense of purpose is to volunteer for a cause you care about according to the subject matter experts over at Sometimes, you can even accrue some experience in your field by volunteering at certain organizations, not to mention the fact that it will help you get out of the house and meet people.

Take a class

If you are unemployed, you should use the downtime to take stock of your skills, technical and soft, and see if there is something you can improve or develop that would make you a more attractive candidate to employers. As covered over at, whether it is programming, writing, and so forth, strengthening a weakness or acquiring a skill that is needed for your desired field is a very productive way to improve yourself as you are applying for jobs.

Get organized

Unemployment can also provide an excellent opportunity to get organized. You can use it to embark on some spring cleaning, go through old boxes, and get rid of the things you don’t need. According to, streamlining your life will help you dive headfirst into the next chapter, as well as the fact that it helps you feel like your unemployed time is spent productively.

See what you can sell

Another thing you should consider doing if you are unemployed is selling unused possessions. From discussions over at, while Amazon and eBay are both secure sites to sell some of your unused possessions, traditional garage sales are a great option as well. Sell off a few video games or electronics for some quick and easy cash while you figure out a permanent solution and plot your next move.

These are some of the things you can do if you are unemployed, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at the highly-rated and

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