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what patent pending means?

“Patent pending” is a term used to indicate that a patent application has been filed with a patent office but has not yet been granted. It is used to inform the public that an invention or innovation is in the process of being patented and is awaiting examination by the patent office. While a patent is pending, the applicant has the right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention without permission. Once the patent is granted, the term “patent pending” is replaced with the patent number, and the patent owner gains exclusive rights to the invention for a limited period of time.

“Patent pending” is a term used to indicate that a patent application has been filed with a government patent office, but a patent has not yet been granted. It is typically used to discourage others from copying an invention while the patent application is pending, as the patent applicant may still be granted patent rights that could potentially be enforced against infringers. While a patent application is pending, the inventor can use the term “patent pending” to inform the public that their invention is in the process of being patented. However, it is important to note that the term does not provide legal protection, and the inventor cannot sue for infringement until the patent is actually granted.

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