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What Digital Marketers Can Learn from Fate Stay Night

What Digital Marketers Can Learn from Fate Stay Night

The Fate Stay Night story revolves around a hardworking and honest teenager who unwillingly finds himself in a to death tournament called the Fifth Holy Grail War where the combatants fight with magic for a chance to have their wishes granted. Fate Stay night series is the kind that one finds themselves binge watching. Are there any reasons why these series are very interesting to the point of making one all glued to the television? There must be one or two reasons why? That is why Bit Gale has gone ahead to consider some of the relevant lessons that are necessary to digital marketers in a bid to facilitate their efforts in digital marketing. Here are some points digital marketers can learn from Fate Stay Night.

Don’t Burn Bridges or Make Enemies

It is a harsh world more so on many of the online platforms. Many digital marketers hide behind their keyboards thus allowing them to say cruel things about other products without real life face to face confrontations. Making enemies is no way to go even if the source of the evil publicity of a given product cannot be traced back to you at the time. It is vital that every digital marketer makes peace with everyone as that goes a long way into the future in case of a security breach. Emiya a character in the anime was just about to be killed when a helping hand came in the form of a beautiful young girl with a shining armor to save his life. Assuming you as a marketer has burnt all the bridges in case of a security breach on your systems you will not have a helping hand more so your strategies, and harsh emails will be all over the internet. The move would result in a considerable loss your gained digital marketing mileage.

Don’t Overlook Legalities

Basic knowledge about the laws revolving around digital marketing is critical more so when it comes to branding and trademark law to ensure that in no way are you infringing on anyone’s brand identity or overstepping your boundaries. Acting in a just manner is right. However, it is essential to note that many people are likely to take advantage of you as a legally bound digital marketer. As time goes by your traits will spread to your customers who will value most of the digital marketing work that they consider to be originating from your brand. It explains why the Fate/stay night rapidly became the most popular visual novel back in 2004 which later developed into Japanese anime in early 2007.

Excellent Digital Marketing Storylines

Excellent storylines are the way to go more so when you need to captivate your audience. Digital marketing goes beyond telling the customer about the product but rather an experience that transcends mundane reality. The Fate Stay night storyline is well developed from the massive fire in Fuyuki city that left Emiya as the sole survivor to how he was taken in by a retired magus who later died leaving him with the sole responsibility of being just in his acts. Despite the fact that the storyline developed in this anime is all fantasy it is no doubt very captivating. Our storylines in digital marketing should be in a similar manner as captivating as the anime.

Excellent Visual Content

Digital marketers should ensure that whatever posts they make should adhere to the market standards. They should avoid offensive content despite the reasoning that there is nothing such as bad publicity. The rise of this anime series in 2007 was facilitated by excellent quality in their visual display since in 2004 it was just a visual novel. A fact is that their visual quality was with no doubt outstanding to the point of developing animation content to be used later in 2007.

Building A Brand Is a Process

Today many of the digital marketers prefer being overnight success stories. However, this is often not the case as many well-founded digital marketers will tell you that patience has enormous benefits in the course of time. It is therefore essential that marketers should not get disillusioned when they do not succeed overnight. From the realize dates of Fate Stay Night it is clear that it takes time before any noticeable results emerge. Released in January 2004 it was only ranked among the most interesting pieces in August 2007 with its Japanese anime version gaining its popularity early 2007. Therefore, it is clear that building a digital marketing brand is a process that takes time although this might not always be the case.

In conclusion, digital marketers can learn numerous lesson from Fate stay night. Building a brand is a process that needs to be well-taken care off with the help of practical digital marketing skills. For more information on what digital marketers can learn from Fate Stay Night visit our website.

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