What Are The Current Delivery Area Surcharges For FedEx?
Are you aware of the different shipment surcharges introduced by commercial carriers in the recent past and their impact on your overall shopping experience? Before making your next purchase, it is important that you first familiarize yourself with the different surcharges affecting your shipment. This not only helps you recalculate the shipping cost budget for your product but also gives you an opportunity to possibly re-strategize on the most efficient and cost-effective shipment option.
Notably, most of the FedEx surcharges, such as the dimensional weight and fuel surcharges, gained popularity and acceptance with the carrier’s clients fast. However, most of these customers are still coming to terms with some of the extra charges such as the delivery surcharge. Runrex Overnight believes that most people still don’t understand the costs as they are further divided into several additional charges.
Here is a comprehensive illustration of the different delivery area surcharges implemented by FedEx.
Residential delivery surcharge
Did you know that the residential delivery surcharge makes up a third of all surcharges incomes accumulated by the different carrier companies? According to FedEx, the RDS refers to any delivery to a home or a business operating at home. Note that if you seek to engage FedEx residential delivery surcharge, you will have to incur an additional charge for every shipment.
According to the FedEx’s 2017 surcharge rates, you will be charged an additional $3.90 per package for Express Ground (residential) service and $3.35 for the home delivery service. This cost thereby dramatically increases the cost of shipment, especially for small packages.
Delivery Area Surcharge
The delivery area surcharge is just an extension of the residential area surcharge. In most cases, the DAS refers to a parcel delivered to a residential-rural area or a residential super rural area. The DAS charges also affect the commercial-rural area as well as the commercial super rural area.
So far there are over 23,500 domestic delivery area surcharges and DAS extended zip codes that attract these additional shipment charges. Runrex Overnight notes that regardless of the residential product you want shipped, as much as 20 percent of all your residential delivery packages and parcels end up with a DAS or DAS extended tag. On their website, FedEx publishes a list of all these delivery area surcharges and with yet another page placing their charges at $4.20 per package for ground and $3.45 for home delivery services.
Notably, the fact that the Delivery Area Surcharge is an extension of the Residential delivery surcharge means that you will most probably have two delivery area surcharges on your shipment invoice. If your zip code falls among the 23,500 DAS codes, your package will contain both the residential delivery and DAS tags. For instance, if you wish to ship a product from California to a DAS zip code in South Carolina, a zone 8 shipping territory, you will part with the $3.35 residential surcharge as well as the $4.20 delivery area surcharge.
Delivery Area Surcharge Extended (DAS-E)
The extended delivery area surcharge is yet another extension of the two delivery area surcharges adopted by FedEx. According to FedEx hub, the DAS-E is meant to cover for the extended distance covered to deliver in packages for the very rural areas. In most cases, these Zip Codes are classified as most remote and often out of reach.
The DAS-E shipment charges are usually compounded to those of the residential delivery and delivery areas surcharges. In such a case, if your residence or that of a client falls among the DAS-E zip codes, expect the package being shipped to have up to three shipping tags. In effect, you will have to foot up to three shipment costs that ultimately push up the shipment costs.
Implications of the FedEx delivery area surcharges to shipment costs
The primary advantage of these elaborate sipping costs by FedEx is that they help you make appropriate shopping and delivery plans. Whether you are a regular shopper or own an e-commerce store, it is important that you first check whether your shipment address falls among the DAS or even the DAS-E zip codes before submitting your product for delivery at the FedEx drop points. This helps you come up with a more cost-effective shipping plan.
Bottom line
As you make your purchases or set up an e-commerce store, don’t just consider the primary shipping costs like the flat rate boxes. Orient yourself with the different surcharges affecting your packages. Just like most other shipping companies currently available, FedEx has a shipment cost estimation portal and mobile application that you can refer to for easier determination of possible shipping charges. The fact that you can access this service virtually may also help you arrive at appropriate shopping decisions as you already know the estimated shipping costs for your purchases. The fact that these shipment charges are decided upon in advance means that you can also use the information to plan for future shopping plans.