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Top 5 Surfer Blogs on the Web in 2021

A lot of information on sports nowadays is delivered through social media. Various teams and professionals take to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to make important announcements on the progress of the seasons and so forth. The days of sports websites and blogs are numbered to say the least because of a lot of people are preferring the quicker means of delivering information through videos and pictures rather than reading a weekly or a monthly blog. This is the case even in surfing.

Surfing as a sport has a lot of information that the fans and professionals need to share. People need to be updated on upcoming dates for the season, any changes and any schedule. For a long time, this was done the old way-through a blog or a website. This has changed drastically today because a lot of people are doing this through Instagram and the likes of Twitter. Very many people are following the stars and respective surfing teams on twitter and the other social media platforms to get an idea of what is going on in their world. This however, does not mean that the blogs and websites are absolutely dead. No, in fact as an ardent fan of surfing, I prefer getting all my news feed on surfing by reading the blogs. I prefer the blogs because I find a lot of power in words. As much as it is possible to show a lot in a video, I still believe that a well written blog will relay a clearer and better message. I have therefore decided to take a look at the top 5 surfing blogs on the web that you should consider visiting on a regular basis if you are enthusiastic about surfing. Here are the top 5 surfing blogs on the web;

1. Mick fanning

The 2009 ASP world champion has been using his blog to update his fans and keep them entertained. This brilliant surfer updates his blog on a weekly basis and there is always something fresh for you to enjoy every single time you visit the website. He uploads videos of him surfing, training sessions, interviews, any tour updates and any other important information. The website is designed well enough and you can interact with him by leaving a message or a comment on the feed he updates.

2. Joel Parkinson

The other brilliant blog that I think any ardent surfing follower wouldn’t mind reading every week is the Joel Parkinson blog. Together with his team, Joel ensures that there is always fresh content for his fans on his blog. He takes time out of his busy schedule to post videos of interviews, practice sessions, season tour dates and even his personal life at home. He also offers step by step tutorials on his blog for those interested in learning surfing. If you are looking for the best blog to keep you updated on matters surfing, then check out the Joel Parkinson blog for the best there is to offer in surfing.

3. Kelly Slater 

If you love surfing, then you most probably have heard about or watched Kelly Slater in action. This guy is deemed as one of the best surfers to ever grace the game. He has been a multiple world champion and has even had his own surfing video game made. Slate might be good at surfing but he clearly is not as good in web designing and programming. I say this because his website is not what you expect from a world champion. It is more of a conglomeration of his social media pages and you choose on which platform you would love to be redirected to. I am assuming that he uploads all his information simultaneously to all the platforms. The information that he uploads is absolute class though. From videos to pictures, you will never get bored. 

4. Young Wise Tails

These guys are breathing new and youthful life into the life of surfing through their videos and blogging. Parker and Conner Coffin are two young surfers who took it upon themselves to start a blog that will keep their fans updated and occupied by providing fresh content. Their updates range from video updates, live coverage of some of their events, photos and even sneak peeks into their personal lives. It is a blog full of life and I can assure you that you will never get bored if you regularly check it out.

5. Laird Hamilton

Laird Hamilton’s name is forever linked with big wave riding, tow in surfing and now stand-up paddle boarding.  His website is frequently updated with his surf exploits, his own range of equipment and his friends. He offers advice on making purchases and gives regular tutorials on how to make it in surfing. It is a vibrant blog with fresh content and you will never miss a moment in Laird’s life. Check it out when you are free.

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