Top 5 Fire Emblem Three Houses Female Characters
Top 5 Fire Emblem Three Houses Female Characters
Tactical role-playing games are getting more and more popular with gamers out there and of the many such games out there, the Fire Emblem series is one of the most popular of them all out there. For fans of this series, there is a new installation to get your teeth stuck into with the release of Fire Emblem Three Houses. As ever, with such games, the characters play such an important role, just as important as important as the tactics when it comes to battle. There are a lot of characters in the game, with all of them covered in detail over at runrex.com, and among them are a lot of female characters for one choose from as well. For those that have already gotten a taste of the game, we have already found out that there are certain characters I the game who can drastically alter the direction of an entire house if you happen to choose them, which just goes to highlight the importance of characters in the game. As far as the female characters in the game, there are a number of great ones, and just like any fan of the franchise, we have already began to choose our favorite female characters. We are therefore going to try to highlight what we think are the top 5 female characters in the game and we hope that it will be of great help for you as you grapple on the female characters to recruit.
Lysithea is arguably one of the most powerful characters in the game and is definitely one of the game’s top female characters. What makes her great is due to the fact that she can incinerate foes while at the same time offering you some nice tactical bonuses. If the adjacent allies are males, she will not only increase damage to foes, she will also receive less damage. Another great thing about her is her passive ability Mastermind which allows her to double any skill experience earned in battle. This is great as it allows you to grind points for new and better classes for her a lot quicker. She is also a very quick learner and adept at the game’s best master classes which makes her on of the best recruits in the game and definitely one of the top female characters, something that is backed up by the subject matter experts over at runrex.com.
She is another good choice as far as the top female characters in the game are concerned and she is one of the best recruits when playing as Golden Deer. What makes her great is the fact that she is well-suited to being a cavalry member of an army, which means she well be fighting at the frontlines and even side-by-side with your other units. Another thing that she has going for her is her Rivalry which allows her to deal 2 extra damage and take 2 less damage during combat as long she is next to a male ally. Yet another thing that makes her one of the game’s top female character is due to the fact that she has the ability to take on the Paladin role which means that you can use her to better control the battlefield. Some of her recommended classes include archer, sniper, falcon knight, the aforementioned Paladin among others.
Petra is yet another very impressive female character in the game, and the subject matter experts over at runrex.com advice that if you are looking for a sniper in the game, then you should go for her as she is probably the best recruitable sniper in the game. Her ability, Hunter’s Boon, gives her a staggering +20 to crit when the health of her opponent is equal to or below 50% of its total. Another thing that we have found with her, something that has contributed to her popularity, is the fact that she has the ability to sync up well with virtually any unit composition in the game. Her ability as a sniper makes her one of the game’s best recruits and definitely among the game’s best female characters.
She is yet another excellent female character in the game, especially when you take into account her ability, Songstress, which allows her adjacent allies to recover as much as 10% of their maximum HP at the start of each turn. This is great as it can allow you to completely turn around a fight and hence your fortunes in the battlefield. As a recruit, she is among the easy ones which is yet another thing that aides to the argument that she is among the best female characters in the game.
Excellent name, and she absolutely does her name justice as she is without doubt among the best female characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses. As a Holy Knight, she is well suited to her role, which is something you will reap the benefits of if you happen to get that far in the game. As is covered in detail over at the excellent runrex.com, she is probably the recruit in the game with the highest ceiling for her ability, Live to Serve. This ability allows her to heal an ally with white magic as well as recouping the same amount of GP herself. She is one of those characters that you must have when you get to the business end of the game.
If you have played Fire Emblem Three Houses, then you will agree that there are a lot of top female characters in the game, with the above being the top five in our opinion. You can head over to the excellent runrex.com and get more information on the many female characters in the game, and get to choose your own top 5 characters.