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Top 20 Tips for Social Media Marketing in 2021

Top 20 Tips for Social Media Marketing in 2021

While social media marketing tactics can be different for every company and industry as covered over at, the desire to see proven results from the same is one every company, regardless of industry, shares. To help you with that this year, here are the top 20 tips for social media marketing in 2021.

Automate your social media

Small business owners often feel like they don’t have enough time to spend on social media, which is why they should explore automation as discussed over at Given the amount of work that goes into creating quality content for your social media accounts, as well as the work that goes into editing, uploading, writing captions, and publishing your posts, using a social media scheduling tool to help you schedule out your content a few weeks in advance to automate posting to your social media is something you ought to do in 2021.

Plan out your content

If you are planning on automating some of your content, you will need to plan out your posts ahead of time. As captured over at, on a day when you are feeling creative, take a few hours to brainstorm ideas for social media content, create a big batch of social media content all at once, and then plan out what you want to post when, after which you can finally schedule the posts out.

Set strategies seasonally

Given the fact that we often plan out our traditional marketing strategies by the different seasons, you should take the same approach to social media marketing according to You should start by selecting a new business goal or marketing theme for each new season, and you can even give your social media accounts a different “look” each season by changing up the color schemes of your posts.

Evaluate new platforms

New and emerging platforms like TikTok are increasingly becoming popular for businesses of all sizes and from different industries. In 2021, if there are new platforms or features that you haven’t tested out yet, then ow is the time to start analyzing which new platforms make sense for your business to join.

Consider which platforms to drop

Even as you evaluate your social media platforms and think about which ones you would like to consider trying out, you might also want to consider dropping a platform in 2021. If you have been posting consistently to a platform and are still seeing low engagements, it is time to evaluate whether or not it is worth your time to remain active on that platform. You should not be on every single social media platform in any case.

Start collaborating more

Social media allows you to connect and build a community, and if you are looking to build your community even more in 2021, then it is a great idea to look for more ways to collaborate as covered over at Look for like-minded small businesses you could partner with, which could include collaborating on a social media giveaway for your followers.

Research new hashtags

You should also make sure that you are not just using the same hashtags on every single post. This is why the gurus over at recommend researching and testing out new hashtags in 2021. Come up with a list of new hashtags and keep track of which posts and hashtags perform best.

Conduct a competitive analysis

It is important to always keep tabs on what your competitors are doing in terms of social media marketing as it allows you to understand what it is they are doing well on social media as well as allowing you to gain ideas on where you can improve as articulated over at

Update your bios

In 2021, you should also consider updating all of your bios as this will help you revamp your social media accounts. Review your bios and see if any important updates need to be made. Also, be sure to include a link to your website and make sure your bios are consistent across all of your social media platforms.

Analyze your posts

It is also good practice to regularly check the analytics of the posts and stories that you are sharing on social media as this will allow you to see which types of content are performing best. You can then see if there is a common theme among your best content, which will help you decide what type of posts you should create more of in 2021.

Shoot new photo content

If it has been a while since you have taken new photos for your small business, then it is probably high time for you to up your photography game in 2021. As the gurus over at, you don’t even have to be a professional photographer as all you need is a smartphone with a quality camera coupled with a willingness to learn. Just make sure you have good lighting and a clean background when taking photos.

Try out Instagram Reels

If you have been wanting to try out TikTok but were afraid of learning about a whole new platform, then Reels is a great way to begin posting more video content. As discussed over at, the easiest way to start out testing Instagram Reels is by repurposing existing video content as it is very easy to upload a video(s) from your photo gallery into Reels.

Leverage short-form video content

What we learned from 2020 is that consumers love engaging with short-form videos, which is why you should be ready to double down on more of this type of video content in 2021 as per If you are looking to revamp your social media marketing strategies, then you should look to create more short-form videos.

Get personal

Rather than just featuring your physical products or, hiding behind your work if you are a service-based business owner, you should try and get in front of the camera and get personal in 2021. Show your customers the face behind the business and share more personal posts to help them get to know you better, which will consequently help them feel more connected to your business on a personal level.

Be an activist

2020 taught us that today’s consumers want brands to be part of the current conversations, which means that if you aren’t already taking an active stance in movements that you are passionate about, then 2021 is the time to stand up in a more meaningful and authentic way.

Send more DMs

You should also consider leveraging more direct messaging in 2021. This is because, as discussed over at, DMs can be a powerful way to connect with customers and influencers. Start by sending DMs to some of your most loyal customers and local influencers, ensuring that the messages sound personal rather than automated, and once you have built a relationship, you can send customers exclusive sales through DMs or ask influencers if they would be interested in collaborating.

Create paid ads

Given that it can be quite challenging for small businesses to reach new audiences organically on social media, investing in a little paid advertising can be a powerful way to revamp your social media marketing in 2021 according to the gurus over at


One of the best ways to get noticed on any social media platform is to publish and share jokes. As revealed over at, you don’t need to be funny yourself as all you have to do is take an already popular joke and present it interestingly. If you don’t know any industry-related jokes which you can repurpose for social media, then a quick Google search is all it takes to find at least a few good ones.

Leverage infographics

Infographics can increase web traffic by up to 12%, which makes them a vital part of many marketing strategies, including social media marketing strategies. You don’t even need to be a graphic design expert to make your own infographics either as there are various tools out there that can help you with this, many of which are free.

Themed days

Running regular themed days on your social media channels is another social media marketing tip worth trying in 2021. The good news is the most of the popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram already have popular themed days you can leverage such as #ThrowbackThursday #MotivationMonday, and so forth. Once you have established an audience, you can then create your own themed days and get your audience to participate.

These are some of the best tips for social media marketing in 2021 to consider, with more tips, information, insight, and help on this topic t be found over at the excellent and

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