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Top 20 Tips for Link Building in 2021

Top 20 Tips for Link Building in 2021

As is covered in discussions on the same over at, Google has reiterated the point that links are among the most important ranking factors, alongside great content. This means that it is nigh impossible to rank without links given how much Google cares about them. This is why this article will look to highlight the top 20 tips for link building in 2021 to help you on your way as far as this is concerned.

Ask for backlinks

If you are a beginner when it comes to link building, a good way to start is to ask for backlinks as per Think about your friends, relatives, colleagues, partners, and clients that have a blog or site and ask them for a backlink. Just make sure that the backlink is coming from a website that is relevant to your niche or it will not have too much of an impact and may even be harmful.

Build relationships

Building good relationships is key if you are to have good link building as revealed over at If you are looking to build relationships, you can start with niche-related communities such as forums, blogs, or social groups. Make the first step and start contributing with interesting and relevant comments and posts, providing contextual value to each discussion and this will not only allow you to gain some good backlinks but will also give you access to the latest industry news.

Have a plan in place

Without a proper plan, any link building or SEO strategy you have will fail according to the gurus over at Therefore, you should think about all the angles including what sites and pages you want to increase your visibility, what audience you want, and if you are willing to spend on this. Consider all these factors and have a solid plan if you are to be successful.

Increase social visibility for your site

This is relatively easy nowadays as all you have to do is share on social media, which can help steer more traffic to your site and encourage readers to link back to it. Pages that are positively accepted on social platforms systematically gain points for SEO.

Anchor text

Anchor text highlighting a link to your website plays a significant role in the quality of that link. This is because Google reads that anchor text and if the target page of that link is optimized for the anchor text keyword, that target page has a higher chance of ranking better. You should, therefore, look to acquire backlinks with anchor texts in 2021.

Consider your links’ position on your pages

As explained over at, you want your links to appear within the main body of a webpage as this substantially increases the chances of getting clicks. You should aim to have your links planted in the middle of the content rather than in sidebars and footers to make sure that they don’t go unnoticed.

Insert long keywords

Instead of using single words or short terms for your hyperlinks, you can include a longer phrase like “as I had previously mentioned in my blog…”. This helps Google contextualize the link and present it to genuinely interested readers according to

Create good content

Content marketing remains the most genuine link-building strategy in 2021 as outlined over at This is why you must write about relevant topics that you are familiar with, create engaging content, and provide citations, links, and references while also making sure that you are persistent and post frequently with fresh material and the links will come.

Leverage guest posting

Content that contains backlinks on a relevant and authoritative site will always rank higher on SERPs. Just make sure that you are posting to a well-established internet site as there are lots of spam sites, some of which are also taking money. Remember, the authority of the page linking to you matters more than any other factor.

Visual assets

Visuals are very easy to link to hence why they are so effective. Publishing a picture or a chart relevant to your site means that you get a link every time someone shares that image to their site. Given that people are visual beings, one image can get your site further than any text, particularly on social platforms.

List posts

As articulated over at, list posts can generate more backlinks than other content formats. This is because they get around faster which is why you should aim to create such posts examples of which include a numbered list of tips, facts, reasons, techniques, and so forth.

Original research and data

This is content that reveals new data from surveys, studies, or original research. As covered over at, such content is highly-linkable as when someone cites your data, they link to you and these links tend to add up very quickly.

Ultimate guides

Ultimate guides pack an insane amount of information in one place given that they are designed to be a comprehensive resource that covers everything there is to know about a given topic. An ultimate guide will be the go-to resource for that topic and will be a magnet for links according to the experts over at


A testimonial is a written or spoken statement promoting your product or service. By reaching out and offering positive testimonials, you can have yours published with a backlink to your website. All you have to do is generate a list of targeted services or products, find the right person to pitch to, send them your pitch, and write a testimonial.


Crowdfunding is a link-building strategy you should consider trying in 2021. This is because someone who is raising money for their business through crowdfunding will usually place a link to each person that contributed. Just make sure that you find crowdfunding pages that are within your niche and relevant to your website.

Resource link building

As is explained over at, this simple yet effective link-building strategy involves finding resource pages that relate to your article, tool, product, or service and pitching to the website owner to feature your content. If you can provide them with useful and engaging content, you will earn a valuable backlink in return.

Use expired domains

You should also leverage expired domains that have great backlink profiles as part of your link-building strategy in 2021 as per the gurus over at All you need to do is to buy these domains and either build your websites on them or use them to create links.

Competitor backlinks

As captured over at, your competitors can also help you in your link-building strategies. All you have to do is make a list of your competitors and analyze their backlinks. You can then export all the URLs you get and you have a chance of figuring out how and why they got the links.

Link reclamation

This link-building technique is among the easiest and fastest out there as you will basically be getting links from people who already like you, which means your pitching will be more effective than usual. All you have to do is search for mentions of your website or company, and when you find one without a link, just contact the site’s owner and ask them for one.

Targeting an audience

When you are looking to expose your website to a certain audience, the easiest way is to target them by linking specific keywords and sharing your content with the help of guest blogging and social media. While the response from such a direct approach may be smaller than expected, it can also be more fruitful since clicks from the targeted audience usually mean someone wants to make a purchase.

The above discussion only just begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and for more tips, information, and help, check out the highly regarded and

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