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Majority of people in this new day and era of technology they have a smartphone and approximately 90% of them are always watching videos on YouTube. Due to this, YouTube has been ranked as one of the largest search engines after google. According to experts, YouTube allows marketers to resent unique and creative ways of content production that will be easy for their viewers to consume and share. Below is list of some of the best reasons you need to consider marketing using YouTube.


A survey done by pointed out that, YouTube is a growing exponentially over 5 billion videos. These videos are consumed by many of the people in the world on a daily basis. This makes YouTube one of the most lucrative areas you need to consider placing your adverts.   


This has been proven that YouTube has a higher visibility on google and thus making it possible for you to get the great following and click that you desire for your brand. This can be done on many ways o of the ways is by writing captivating content and later on linking a YouTube videos on the topic at hand.

Build Email list

The biggest advantage on YouTube marketing is that, you can be able to build your email list through YouTube. To make this possible you can be able to use unique yet very efficient software. They help you embed your sign-up form directly into YouTube videos.

Largest media library 

YouTube convers over majority of the content the world consumes, thus allowing it to have the largest user base. This is made possible by the fact that there are so many hours of videos are uploaded on YouTube every minute. To get more information visit

Different video types

A very crucial advantage YouTube has over the others is that, it has s wide array of different videos. You can use this to your advantage and create videos that showcase and talk more about your brand online. If you are wondering which is the bet types of videos you need to create you can visit

Greater conversion rates

A video really summaries a lot of words in just a few minutes. Moreover, Videos can evoke all types of emotions in humans more than any other form of content. This entertaining form of recreation has the ability to increase conversion in above 80%, which his considered very high numbers.   

Creating an authoritative image 

YouTube is a powerful marketing tool that can be used by any company in any business sector worldwide. This is made easy by the fact that all you need to do is to make and upload. If used efficiently video marketing can help to build trust and increase brand awareness.

Building trust

As named before in this article, trust is huge thing that needs to be nurtured. As the saying goes trust is earned and not given, you need to make sure that your content engages with your viewers so as to gain their trust. There are a few tip and tricks to use when dong this at  

Increases chances of people finding you on google

Google has a universal search for videos, images books among many other things. As a matter of fact, you may have noticed that, videos are appearing more often in googles search results. This comes to show that google considers videos to be important.

Content never dies

Using YouTube to market your business can be very advantageous in the fact that, it can help you repurpose content you have already produced content without the need to use a lot of time or even invest in expensive procedures and tools.

Tap into their traffic

With the great name it has been able to build for itself, you are bound to find a large group of people that are interested in your brand and what it has to offer. According to experts, you will need to educate, entertain and provide solutions to their issues.

Growth worldwide

It is evident that google is a worldwide renowned brand and this is one of the few factors that make it the best place to market your brand. By doing this you will be able to grow your business worldwide with great ease and perfection.

Use of AdWords for video 

With the AdWords you can be able to get focused access to your audience by advertising on videos your audience is more likely to watch. The best thing about AdWords which is also considered as an advantage is that you only pay for the engaged viewers.

Making extra income

By creating of regular video content you can be able to earn some money directly from your videos. This is quite great as it is a good way of earning extra income. You can use google AdWords and AdSense for video together to get the best income back from your video campaigns.

Captures audience attention 

It has been uncovered that, humans have a limited attention span. Marketer use videos to attract the attention of their ideal audience. In more specific terms, the human brain is wired to respond more to visual cues in this case videos. 

Credibility boost

People have trust issue when it comes to new and upcoming businesses in the industry. YouTube will help in cementing the trust between the customers and your brand. To do this you can use leveraging videos and to some extent you make videos with personal appearances form you as pointed out by

Evergreen content 

This mainly depends on your video content, according to experts, you need to make it your first priority to make video content that is both engaging and most of all will stand the test of time. The best thing is that it offers free analytics and thus makes it possible for you to do a follow up.


YouTube is one of the best ways to make your product or services more visible to the world. Moreover, it is the most efficient way of advertising, this is mainly so because people are three times more likely to pay attention to your ad on YouTube than on a TV set.

Showcase your products and services

It may sound simple but it is one of the things that can make or break your marketing strategy on YouTube. People need to see to get the product, it is easier to show it on YouTube than explain it in a lengthy text as pointed out by


One of the things that you will need to do before making it as a new brand in the market. You will need to show of everything to how the product looks like, to how the product is consumed or used among many other things.   

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