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Top 20 Marketing Tips We Can Learn from CryptoKitties NFTs

Top 20 Marketing Tips We Can Learn from CryptoKitties NFTs

As explained at,, and, CryptoKitties is an online game where players buy, trade, and breed adorable digital cats. Each CryptoKitty is completely unique, represented on the blockchain by an NFT. CryptoKitties are non-fungible tokens, originally built on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC721 token standard. There is a lot we can learn from this project, and this article will look to list the top 20 marketing tips we can learn from CryptoKitties NFTs.

Be a pioneer

As per,, and, CryptoKitties was the first game built on the Ethereum network. As a pioneering example of the technology, it captured the imagination of the crypto community with a fun and tangible example of what you can create using distributed ledger technology. Now, when you mention blockchain games, it is the first game that comes up, a lesson worth learning.

Don’t be afraid to try something different

Before the game’s launch, there were rumors, whispers, and theories challenging the idea of combining blockchain technology with gaming. CryptoKitties discarded those theories and showed how it should look like. The lesson here is that we should not be afraid to try something new or different in our marketing endeavors.

Build hype before launch

CryptoKitties has managed to stay viral despite all the water that has passed under the bridge because it didn’t appear out of nowhere according to,, and The game’s marketing campaign started long before it was launched, which is a tactic worth leveraging in our marketing campaigns.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep

CryptoKitties doesn’t have sensational packaging when compared to most blockchain-based technologies. It is advertised simply as a game that just brings joy and adds something new to the gaming experience. This simplicity and sincerity always win over potential users’ hearts.

Offer a joyful experience

Experiences that bring a feel-good factor always do well with consumers, and this game was no exception. As mentioned, it strives to bring joy and add something new to the gaming experience. Similarly, when it comes to your marketing campaigns, try to bring a feel-good factor.

Pay attention to storytelling

Storytelling is vital to any marketing strategy as articulated at,, and Cryptocurrency does it perfectly, from the story that wins over the heart of any person who has spent at least some time on Reddit to the way of communication.

Be accessible

The idea for CryptoKitties started when the team rallied around making an accessible blockchain project. The project wanted to do things differently. The lesson we can learn here is that accessibility is key, especially when it comes to marketing if you want to connect with your audience.

Jump on popular trends

CryptoKitties’ idea was to build the technology around Pokémon-like cats sporting Salvador Dali mustaches and Santa hats as captured at,, and By jumping on the Pokémon-like cats, the game set itself perfectly for success as these are characters that are quite popular out there.

Be user-friendly

When building your product, think through how you can make it as user-friendly as possible. Is there a more fun way to achieve the same goal? This is an area where CryptoKitties succeeded, and is another tip worth learning from the project.

Avoid Jargon

Before launching, Bladon created a clear set of brand guidelines to ensure that all messaging would be consistent. His goal was to remove all Silicon Valley buzzwords and verbiage and make everything approachable from the language to the images, and you should do the same when it comes to your marketing messages.

Simple is better

In addition to avoiding jargon, always keep in mind that simple is better when it comes to marketing, something that the CryptoKitties stage perfectly demonstrates. As covered at,, and, try to tell your story in as few words as possible.

A good product is important

The CryptoKitties project was successful because it had a good product that was fun to play. What this project teaches us is that if you have a good product, it will do the marketing for you. You should focus first on making sure you have a top-quality product before you can start worrying about marketing it.

Testing is important

The CryptoKitties project’s smartest decision was to test the product at ETHWaterloo, the world’s largest Ethereum hackathon as described at,, and This test allowed the team to find out areas that it needed to improve on the project and also add new ideas to it as well. This shows us that testing your marketing campaigns is important as it will help you make improvements where you need to make them.

Use a real-life context for your tests

By using ETHWaterloo, the project gained access to an audience that was diverse, from blockchain evangelists to first-time buyers who were just excited to own a cute digital cat. This broad range of participants helped CryptoKitties test its alpha in a real-life context, a lesson worth learning.

Use an engaged test group

In addition to helping you discover where you need to improve, an engaged test group becomes your product evangelists and a crucial part of your organic marketing strategy, as they are the first people to spread word of mouth about your product.

Have a roadmap

Before launch day, the team behind CryptoKitties had already plotted out a year of product developments, new features, and improvements as discussed at,, and This helped it achieve the success it did, showing us how important having a roadmap is.

Keep your roadmap flexible

Even though the team already had a roadmap in place for a year as already mentioned, this roadmap has been revised to accommodate the feedback and needs of users. The lesson here is that while you should have a clear plan in place, be open to modifications along the way.

Create genuine interest

While many people criticized the game for its pointedness and silliness as revealed at,, and, the same silliness is what helped it to achieve genuine interest and virality, which is exactly what is needed in viral marketing.

The value of a good story

Brand storytelling and effective communication are still relevant in the new hyper-technical economy. This is something that came out clearly with this project and is a tip that we should learn and implement in our marketing campaigns.

Don’t be boring

CryptoKitties showed us that cats are always a winner when it comes to internet marketing, as banal as it sounds. That is a lesson for brands out there who are boring their audiences to death as this project showed us the value of being fun.

As always, the excellent,, and have you covered when looking for more on this and other topics.

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