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Top 20 Games for Data Scientists to Relax with

Top 20 Games for Data Scientists to Relax with

The life of a data scientist can be stressful with the amount of work one is required to done as well as the responsibilities one has as discussed over at To relax, there are several things you can do, including playing games, and this article will highlight the top 20 games for data scientists to relax with.

The circle

In this game, the team or group of people form a circle and one person comes inside the circle and has to ask one question on any package, technique, or library related to data science which he/she thinks that the rest of the team won’t be able to answer. If the rest of the team answers the question, the person gets out of the game, but if the team is unable to answer, the person gets back into the game. The person entering the circle nominates someone to come inside the circle irrespective if they remain in the game or not as per The last person remaining in the game wins.


This role-playing strategy game is a great way to pass your time and learn about programming. As is explained over at, it teaches JavaScript and Python as well as sharing core computer science concepts to players.

Data Games

Data Games is a website with a collection of many games that are aimed towards engaging and helping players in developing core mathematical and statistical concepts. It is a great game for data scientists to relax and remind themselves about data science concepts as outlined over at

Data Science Dumb Charade

In this game, people are divided into 2 teams. One individual from each team comes forward and is asked to act out something related to data science, which could either be the names of a package, library, or algorithm. The teammates not only have to guess the name but also tell what it does, with each winning team being awarded one point every time. It is a fun and relaxing game to play.


This is a website that allows users to improve their coding skills while also having fun and is another relaxing game for data scientists to try out. When playing the game, not only will you learn and refresh on data science concepts, you will also get inspired by the best developers of the industry.


As outlined over at, this is a website for coding and programming games for both kids and beginners where they solve engaging programming challenges using Python and TypeScript and can be another avenue for relaxing for data scientists. The game has also become engineers’ and coders’ hub for exchanging knowledge.

CSS Diner

According to, this is a fun game to learn Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which describes how the HTML elements are to be displayed on the screen. It has 32 levels and features aspects of both CSS and the data science workflow.

Ruby Warrior

As is discussed over at, this is a perfect game for both kids and learners, while also being an excellent game option to relax for seasoned data science after a long day. It helps one get their hands dirty with Ruby and comes with many levels that can help players choose one according to their suitability and experience.

Who am I?

Give every member in the group a post-it and have them write the name of any package, library, tool, or a language on the post-it secretively. Then each person sticks that post-it to another team member’s forehead without revealing what is written on it, and then individually they have to guess what is written on their post-it by asking yes or no questions to other team members.

Writing efficient code

Have the team sub-divided into 3 – 4 sub-groups and then give each one a task to be applied on a data. Each team then has to perform the task with a minimum number of iterations, with the most optimal code winning the challenge.

Can you find me?

Create a word cloud with attributes of a machine learning algorithm as outlined over at Then, based on the information provided, the teams have to guess which algorithm is described in the word cloud. There could be several rounds and the level of difficulty could vary from easy to hard.

What do I stand for?

Come up with acronyms and then ask a group questions on the full names of different data science terms as is discussed over at You can ask for the full form of the acronyms like RMSE, XG Boost, FTRL, SVM, and many others.

Passing the Pass

In this game, there is a box that has tickets in it with names of different libraries, packages, etc. People then sit in a circle and music is played and the box is passed around until the music stops. When the music stops, the person who has a box will need to pull out a ticket and then say 3 sentences about the ticket he/she gets. Once done, the person moves out of the game as described over at

Quiz me up?

This game involves a normal quizzing round in which the challenge consists of 20-30 questions on data science. By the end of the game, the person answering the maximum number of questions will be ranked number 1 and so on.

Machine Learning for Kids

This is a no-cost activity kit with games and interactive projects by IBM, which can help in teaching kids to build simple machine learning models. This activity kit not only introduces kids to the principles and implications of machine learning and artificial intelligence but also allows students to play with data and seek answers from machines. It is a relaxing game to play with your kids.

Empire of Code

This is a browser-based game that is targeted at people who wish to master Python and JavaScript. The theme of space is what makes this game much more interesting, as it demands a user to employ strategies and tactics to progress ahead in the game as discussed over at It is another excellent relaxing game to play.

Code Fights

This is not a game per se as it uses game mechanics to develop a fun coding environment. According to, this website caters to both amateurs and coding pros and it also supports Julia, which is a new programming language that is slowly gaining in the data science field.


This is another relaxing that you can enjoy with your kids at home after a long day at work. It is a website with fun-based educational games that can help kids learn coding and data science without any prior experience as articulated over at


In this game, there are several languages, packages, tools, etc. written on a piece and when you connect the connected ones, it reveals a certain know shape or structure. The first team to be able to name what the structure is wins.

Data Science Sudoku

This game works the same way as ordinary sudoku does, the only twist is that it is completely data science-based. You can hand over the sheet of paper containing the puzzle to individuals or teams, and the first to complete it wins.

These are some of the games you can try out if you are looking to relax and blow off some steam as a data scientist, with more on this topic to be found over at and

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