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Top 20 Fate Grand Order Characters

Top 20 Fate Grand Order Characters

As discussed over at, Fate Grand Order is a popular Japanese role-playing mobile game where you have to play the role of a master. You make a team of six characters to battle against the enemy and the other 6 characters of the team will be names as servants. This article will look to list the top 20 Fate Grand Order characters.

Zhuge Liang

He is a human-make character who comes with a very high HP. According to, his HP of 14,259 is the second-best in the entire game. All of his skills prove to be game-changers in most of the battles, making him a great utility hero and one of the best characters in the game.


He is a living servant having a maximum HP of 14,000 and his maximum damage can be 10,546. Some of his skills, as captured over at, include his first skill called Dreamlike Charisma which increases the attack and phantasm gauge of all the allies. In addition to all his skills, he can restore the HP of all the allies from 1,000 to 2,000 depending on their level.


Orion is a 5-star Archer in the game who is popular among players because of his great damaging skills according to He possesses very lethal combo moves that allow him to beat even the toughest of enemies and has got all the skills to counter the toughest bosses in the game.


His NP deals extra damage against most servants, and he also has an NP gain-up skill. His NP gain is further enhanced by his ability to use stars (star absorb skill), and the standard independent Action allows him to deal huge amounts of crit damage.

Jeanne d’Arc

She is an amazing servant in the early mid-game as she resists damage from all classes except Berserker. She also provides party-wide invincibility for a turn, which can be used to absorb the damage from enemy NPs when the battle goes long.

Sakata Kintoki

Currently, Kintoki’s NP Brave chains can deplete a significant portion of most enemies’ HP, which makes him a highly effective servant. His performance, however, will continually decrease as opponents’ HP amounts are increased later on in the game as is discussed over at

Altria Pendragon

Known as the Flagship Saber, she can provide benefits to the team with her Charisma and has Prana Burst to enhance her Noble Phantasm (NP). According to, she has high HP and her NP has an overcharge effect of gaining NP charge.

Vlad III

As is revealed in discussions over at, given that he is the only 5-star Berserker, he is one of the strongest servants in the game. However, he will truly shine when Tamamo no Mae is released, who will allow him to repeatedly use his NP to great effect.


She is a powerful Saber class servant, with selfish skills that enable her as an attacker. Her NP can obliterate waves, especially when paired with her buffs. Her final skill also unlocks with her third ascension which is currently hard to obtain.

Edmond Dantes

He has a high ATK and a skillset that promotes offense and is a great offensive servant to have. Whether as the center of your team or as support, he plays a well-rounded role and plays into quick and critical centered teams as per his command deck and NP.


While she possesses notable support capabilities, these are not exactly what we could call ‘decisive’, especially given Protection from the Underworld’s only 50% uptime as covered over at However, she remains one of the best characters in the game.

Mash Kyrielight

She is not just a token character for story purposes as she is a highly reliable support Servant as outlined over at As a Shielder, she has no class weaknesses while packing a skillset that provides plenty of defensive support, making her highly valuable for challenging battles. Her skillset and NP make her one of the best in the game at improving the survivability of the entire party or protecting a dedicated damage dealer.


He is a Berserker who embodies all of the class’s best traits while covering for its weaknesses to an extreme degree. With his high base attack, attack self-buff, and his high Madness Enhancement, he deals as good consistent damage as you will get from a 4* unit with his vicious Buster Brave chains as per


A highly offensive Berserker, he has all of the tools he needs to deal massive damage to any enemies in his way, be it AoE or Single Target. His NP, Knight of Owner, might not deal very high damage on its own, but the pre-applied Attack Self-Buff, his high attack, and the Berserker class advantage add up to a dangerous cocktail, especially once he unlocks the ability to launch his NP multiple times via Skadi.

Ryougi Shiki

Fully exploiting her Arts potential, Shiki benefits from good NP gain while maintaining her class’s high start generation. Additionally, she outputs formidable damage because of her welfare status, while her defenses and utility remain up to par.

Yagyu Munenori

His synergy with Arts compositions, good NP gain, powerful defensive effects, and very strong burst damage potential, as covered over at, make him a prime Arts Servant for difficult content. His ability to help the entire Down debuffs is a unique commodity that few Servants possess, let alone such a high damage Servant.


She is the de facto Avenger slayer in the game and the only member of the elusive Mooncancer class for now according to the gurus over at Despite having a relatively mediocre attack and consequently lackluster damage output, she makes up for it with a stellar supportive skillset that thrives in any stalling or NP spamming team, acting as one of the best NP batteries in the game for lengthy battles.


Despite her low attack as outlined at, she has a deeply synergistic kit with a cocktail of all the right buffs to be able to NP loop once Scathach is released. However, without access to her favorite Quick Support, she is rather hamstrung in the team she can fit well in.

Chloe von Einzbern

Chloe is an Archer who more or less eschews the effectiveness of all her other card types to have absurd Arts cards. With her extremely powerful star generation buff, she can use her 6-hit Arts cards like other Servants’ Quick cards, while also gaining an impressive amount of NP gauge.


He covers a lot of ground many servants of his caliber can’t manage. Hawkeye B+ gives him both impressive star generation, even on his three Arts cards, and a staggeringly high critical damage for 3 turns. He is a strong Servant for nearly any situation, whether that is setting it a full round of critical hits for the next via his hit count NP, or combating a fearsome enemy boss.

These are, in our opinion, the top 20 Fate Grand Order characters, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at and

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