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Top 20 Digital Marketing Courses

Top 20 Digital Marketing Courses

If you are a marketer or an aspiring marketer, then the subject matter experts over at recommend that you learn about digital marketing, given how it is slowly but surely taking over from traditional marketing. To help you with that, this article will provide a curated list of 20 digital marketing courses for you to check out, covering various concepts regarding digital marketing from SEO to social media, email marketing, and so forth.

The Complete Digital Marketing Course

This digital marketing course covers 12 courses in 1, which is why it is one you should consider taking, and why it is rated so highly. From discussions over at, it will help you master digital marketing strategy, social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, Facebook Marketing and so much more. It includes 36.5 hours of on-demand video content.

Digital Marketing Masterclass

This specific digital marketing course features 23 courses in 1, making it a complete digital marketing course designed to teach you everything you need to become a digital marketing expert. From discussions over at, this is the course to take if you want to learn the basics of digital marketing.

Google AdWords Certification

If you are looking to become Google AdWords certified, then this is the digital marketing course you need to take. The course includes a detailed exam overview, over 200 sample questions, and so much more and will allow you to get certified in 2 days, as covered over at

How retargeting Works

This is the complete guide to retargeting ads and will help you understand what retargeting is and how it works. By undertaking this course, you will be able to learn retargeting secrets which will help retarget and convert visitors who end up not converting. The course entails 9 sections and is made up of 43 lectures with 8.5 hours’ worth of on-demand video content.

Ultimate Google Ads Training 2020

Created by Isaac Rudansky, this is yet another digital marketing course worth taking, particularly since it was updated this year to include information on the latest Google Ads interface and dashboard. This course will enable you to learn Google AdWords like an expert and contains 17 sections, 137 lectures, and 25.5 hours of on-demand video.

Digital Marketing Masterclass: Get your First 1,000 Customers

This digital marketing course is designed to help you acquire your first 1,000 customers using social media, content and video marketing, SEO, SEM, PR, and much more. According to the gurus over at, this is the course to take if you feel like you don’t have enough customers.

What is Online and/or Digital Marketing?

This digital marketing course, from discussions over at, is designed to teach you the basics of online and digital marketing channels, helping you understand the basics of SEO, Facebook marketing, LinkedIn Ads, Display Advertising, and so much more.

Home Business: The Complete CPA Marketing Course

Created by Sandor Kiss and Barin Dedeleroglu, this is the course to take if you want to learn about CPA (Cost Per Action), according to the gurus over at This course will allow you to learn more about CPA, enabling you to be able to establish a successful online business and generate consistent income. All videos for the lectures in this course contain closed-captions/ subtitles.

Learn the Basics of LinkedIn in just 30 minutes

This is the course to take if you want to learn about the new-look LinkedIn. This course is designed for those new to the platform, which is why it is a basic course featuring 4 sections and 10 lectures, with 29 minutes of video content.

Complete 2020 Marketing MASTERCLASS for Startups and Leaders

This digital marketing course just got updated for 2020 to incorporate the latest trends in modern marketing and is another one worth taking. Brian Bozarth, the creator of this course, worked in the industry, and he is highly knowledgeable, with his lectures containing stuff he experienced first-hand. The course is made up of 52 sections and 204 lectures, with 18 hours and 14 minutes worth of video content.

Fast & Effective Landing Page Course: Start Converting Today

By taking this course, you will be able to learn how to design, build, and publish high-converting landing pages, all of that in just 2 hours according to discussions on the same over at According to reviews, the instructor is also very helpful and personable, making for a very good experience when taking the course, which features 7 sections and 24 lectures, all in 2 hours and 2 minutes worth of video content.

Build a Shopify Print on Demand Business from Scratch

If you want to learn how to build a print-on-demand Shopify dropshipping business from scratch, then this is the course you need to check out. The course documents the entire process from the start to launching Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your store and features 22 sections and 115 lectures, all of which total 8 hours and 4 minutes worth of video content from discussions over at

Facebook Ads: Facebook/ Instagram Advertising Course

The fact that this course is used by Tesla, Walmart, and other major brands, as revealed in discussions on the same over at, just goes to show how highly-rated it is. This course will give you a better understanding of Facebook and Instagram advertising, enabling you to be able to come up with winning campaigns.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Mautic

If you want to learn about marketing automation, then this is the course you should consider taking. The course will introduce you to marketing automation and show you how to implement it on your website through Mautic, and by the end of it all, you will have a deeper understanding of Mautic and will be ready to take your business to the next level.

YouTube Marketing: Grow Your Business with YouTube

This digital marketing course will relevant YouTube marketing techniques and by the end of it all, you will have a deeper understanding of YouTube marketing. You will learn how to optimize your YouTube channel and videos for more views and conversions, how to start a YouTube channel, how to make better videos and so much more.

Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, this digital marketing course is used by teams at PayPal, IBM, Citibank, and many other prominent organizations, which shows how highly-rated it is. It will impart you with the knowledge that will enable you to grow your digital marketing results through growth hacking.

PPC University

Created by WordStream, this free online digital marketing course is designed to help marketers build PPC skills. As is covered over at the course caters to both beginner and advanced marketers and is also mobile-friendly which means that you can easily access it through your mobile device.

Alison Social Media Marketing

Offered by Alison, this is another free digital marketing course worth checking out. This one is designed to help you improve your social media marketing skills. According to the gurus over at, it contains all the necessary information required for one to master social media marketing, and you can also learn at your own pace.

Email Marketing by Code Academy

This free online email marketing course by Code Academy is another excellent digital marketing course worth checking out. By undertaking this course, you will learn how to write compelling and relevant emails and will impart you with the knowledge that will help you master the art of email marketing.

Digital Marketing Specialization by Illinois

This 7-day free digital marketing course by Illinois is another one worth taking. It has a self-paced option, as well as videos, reading, graded and marked assignments, practice quizzes, and course certifications. Additionally, you will also get feedback from your peers, allowing you to learn from your mistakes and master digital marketing.

Remember, you can uncover more insights and information on this and other related topics by checking out the highly-rated and

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