Top 15 Ways to Have a Productive Driving Range Session
Are you trying to work on your game at the driving range? For one to continuously increase, their performance in playing golf one has to play it often. However, you want to ensure that driving range sessions are productive. It is easy just to say you had a great session. However, you might find that your game becomes better if you use these tips prepared by RunRex.
Enjoy Some Music
Music helps to make you feel isolated and puts you in the zone. Now it is only you and a bucket of golf balls. When at the driving range, music is an essential method for you to avoid any distractions. To make optimum use of the music, look for wireless headphones since the wires can interfere with your swing.
Use all Your Clubs
While at the driving range, you should not solely focus on your drivers. Work on all the other clubs that you are likely to use on the golf course. Since the aim is to ensure you can hit accurate shots with every club, this will be an excellent way to work on making your driving session quite productive.
Get a competent instructor
Sometimes, you could ruin your game of golf by training alone on the driving range. It is especially so when you pick up bad habit trying to learn from an amateur or online video tutorials. Hire a trainer who will help to ensure that your time at the driving range is not a waste of time.
Practice Putting One-handed with only the bottom hand
To do this, start with shorter putts and move on to further ones as you train. When trying to get the extended putts, you should be on distance control. This drill has been quite useful and is used by even the top putter in the world Tiger Woods.
Work on a repeatable takeaway
Whenever you make a wrong golf swing, try to press rewind and examine what could have gone wrong. Although it is not going to give you the whole picture, it will give you an idea of what is causing calamity in your swing. If you want to develop your swing, the takeaway is a crucial part of that.
Change the target line often
It may not help you become better at golf. However, it will help to keep your routine from becoming monotonous. It is one of the easiest ways to keep your practice form tuning into an annoying chore. If you can find ways to switch up your practice, you will be able to gain more from it.
Avoid the outside in swing
While at the driving range, one of the most important things you must instill in yourself is to avoid the outside-in swing. The reason for this is that this swing is unpredictable. It can result in numerous bad shots, which will affect your ability to play good golf.
Do not have any favorites when chipping
When you miss the green, you should always get up and down. When chipping, the terrain and conditions are what should inform your chipping decision. Most players will readily admit that if they could chip better, they would take 3 to 5 strokes per round on their game.
Teach yourself how to let go
When you begin the backswing, there is a point at which the wrists become cocked for the rest of the backswing until you make an impact. The lagged position ensures that your wrists will remain behind the ball or the club head would be in front of the shaft upon impact. Learn when to uncock the hands just at the right moment.
Take a few minutes to reflect
When you make a quality shot, close your eyes, and envision the shot you just took for a few minutes. According to psychologists, this will help you develop muscle memory that you can use in future shots.
Try out different grips
Perhaps you have always used a specific grip to play golf. However, the driving range is the perfect place for you to practice your golf grip. Try out all of the grips you know about and find the one that feels most comfortable.
Stick to a single ball when putting
When playing golf, you will only have one chance to make a putt. Thus, the driving range should not be any different. Stick to a single ball and follow it until it hits the cup’s bottom.
Focus on setup
Instead of trying to swing as many balls as possible, you should practice on getting your setup right. Work on ensuring your arms and back are perfectly aligned for those good shots.
Practice your sand shots
Very few players spend time practicing how to get out of the sand. However, if you get good at sand shots, you can be good at almost any other aspect of your game.
Always have a simple warm-up exercise
Some people may not even consider a sport that needs a warm up. However, if you want to avoid injury, especially to back muscles and the core muscles do a simple warm-up exercise.