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Top 10 Tips: YouTube Brand Lift Studies – How They Work & What to Measure

Top 10 Tips: YouTube Brand Lift Studies – How They Work & What to Measure

Experts in the advertising field have been saying for a while now that video advertising is one of the most effective advertising channels out there and businesses that have been able to leverage it successfully can definitely attest to this. We all know that when it comes to video advertising, YouTube is the biggest and most popular platform one can engage in. Setting up a YouTube video campaign is something that is quite easy to do nowadays, the tricky part comes when your campaign is up and running and you now want to measure how it is doing. Metrics such as conversions and clicks, while effective in other platforms, just won’t cut it when it comes to YouTube and that is where Google’s Brand Lift Study comes into play. This provides more than the basic metrics as far as your audiences and videos go, enabling you to be able to evaluate how your campaign is doing and hence make whatever tweaks you need to make on your strategy to get better results. This article will look to highlight 10 tips you need to know as far as how these studies work as well as what to measure.

Starting with how they work, the very first tip we have to highlight is that YouTube Brand Lift Studies work by making use of two study groups in your campaign target audience. The first group is a control group that has not seen your ad while the other group is an exposed one that has seen your ad. Comparison of the various metrics as far as your campaign is concerned and how they are doing in these two groups is how results come about.

Another tip about YouTube Brand Lift Studies, again this time on how they work is that they make use of two forms of user feedback; surveys and organic searches, to help measure the results, with both of them being covered in great detail by the subject matter experts over at 

Another tip that we can’t fail to mention as far as YouTube Brand Lift Studies go is that results, statistically significant ones that is, are not guaranteed as feedback here is dependent on user engagement. This is why it is always advised that you sue these studies as a cherry on top as it were, as far as checking the views generated by your campaign is concerned.

You should also know that there are two versions as far as this is concerned, Brand Lift 1.0 and Brand Lift 2.0 both of which are covered in great detail over at the ever reliable The tip her, one that is worth noting is that, while making use of Brand Lift 1.0 is cheaper, Brand Lift 2.0 will enable you to see continuous results while the campaign runs, allowing you to optimize in real time, something that can’t happen as far as the former is concerned as here results are only delivered once the study is complete.

Shifting gears into what one should measure when carrying out a YouTube Brand Lift study, the first tip we are going to look is ad recall. This will let you know whether or not consumers remember seeing the online video ad for your brand or product.

Another thing that you can measure using the questions that come with the YouTube Brand Lift study is the brand awareness. As is covered in detail over at, this will help you ascertain whether or not consumers are aware or familiar with your brand after having seen your YouTube ad. It is an important metric as it helps you find out just how aware people are of your brand and hence make changes to increase said brand awareness.

The next tip as far as what to measure when it comes to YouTube Brand Lift studies, is making use of the question that will help you measure favorability. What this will do is it will let you know if, after seeing your ad, is the opinion or attitude of consumers towards your brand positive or not. This is another great metric t measure as it allows you to know the feelings your brand or products elicit and if they are negative, you can be able to do something about it to turn the tide by finding out why that is the case and making the necessary changes.

Another important tip as far as what to measure as far as YouTube Brand Lift Studies are concerned has to do with consideration. Making use of the question measuring this metric, as per the subject matter experts over at, will allow you to know whether or not consumers will consider your brand or product when looking to make a purchase. Again this is an excellent metric since if you find that your brand consideration is low, you will definitely want to optimize to get it as high as possible.

Another equally important metric that is worth measuring here is the one that is related to purchase intent. The question linked to this metric will allow you to know whether or not consumers will choose your brand for purchase over others if they had a number of brands, including yours, to choose from. Yet another important metric hence why it is highlighted as a tip here.

You should also make use of YouTube Brand Lift Studies to measure brand interest which is one of the most important metrics to measure here. This will let you know the actual lift you are getting in organic searches from the group that saw your ad. The only thing about this metric is that it requires the most data of all metrics and as a result, it requires the highest budget to measure.

The above are some of the tips worth noting as far as YouTube Brand Lift Studies and how they work as well as what to measure go. As usual, there is more to be uncovered about this very wide topic by heading over to the ever reliable

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