Top 10 Tips: Why Ecommerce Brands Should Be Advertising on Instagram
Top 10 Tips: Why Ecommerce Brands Should Be Advertising on Instagram
With advancements in technology and given the benefits it has for customers hence why they prefer it, we are slowly seeing a shift from brick and mortar stores towards ecommerce. Since it is convenient to shop at the comfort of one’s house, more and more folks prefer to shop on ecommerce platforms, and as such businesses are looking to venture into ecommerce to take advantage of this. With more and more businesses looking to try their hands with ecommerce, it has become a very competitive field. With increased competition, it means that for one to stand out, advertising of their ecommerce brand is a must. There are lots of platforms that one can leverage as far as advertising of one’s ecommerce brand goes, with Instagram being one of the most popular out there. Not only is it one of the most popular social media platforms out there with lots of active users for ecommerce brands to target, the fact that it is great for content such as pictures and videos makes it perfect for ecommerce brands to leverage. That is why this article, with this in mind, will look to highlight 10 tips on why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram.
The very first tip we are going to look at as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram is due to its visual nature. Since it is primarily for sharing videos and photos, it is a great platform for ecommerce brands to advertise since we all know that visual content is more engaging than text. Ecommerce brands can be able to make use of videos and photos to make a compelling message as to why folks should buy their products.
The fact that Instagram has very high engagement rates is yet another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on there. As an ecommerce brand, you are assured that if you make a post on Instagram, then it will get significantly more engagements than on any other platform as per the subject matter experts over at runrex.com. This is one of the reasons why Instagram is so popular with ecommerce brands.
Given that you have a number of options as far as targeted advertising goes on Instagram may be yet another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram. This will help you target folks that you know are interested in your brand and products. There is also the option of paid advertising if you so wish, although you can still be able to advertise quite successfully on Instagram for free.
Another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram is due to the fact that it is a great brand building tool. Given the nature of the ads here, as is explained in detail over at runrex.com are designed in such a way that visitors won’t feel like you are directly trying to sell them something, it boosts user interactions which is a great way to build your brand.
The fact that by advertising on Instagram allows you access to the high-spending young crowd on there is yet another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram. It is a well-known fact that majority of the folks on Instagram are young people, between 18 and 29, with a common characteristic of this group being that they like to spend as although most of them work, they hardly have any expenses they need to cover. By advertising on Instagram therefore, ecommerce brands are able to gain access to this group and benefit no end.
Given that Instagram ads are unobtrusive in nature, and basically look like any other photo or video there, is yet another great tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram. As is covered in detail by the subject matter experts over at runrex.com, this means ads are unlikely to annoy users which is great for ecommerce brands whose main aim is to sell.
Another tip that is definitely worth mentioning as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram is due to the fact that one can easily integrate their ecommerce platform here and sell their products instantly. You can be able to integrate say your Shopify account and sell your products immediately if you are on Instagram.
Given that advertising on Instagram comes with great ROI and low costs, as is covered in detail over at runrex.com is yet another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on there. Advertising here is not only effective it is also very efficient since it is not as time-consuming as other platforms.
Since one also gets unrestricted access to one’s audience, this is yet another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram. Unlike other platforms like Facebook, on Instagram your followers will be able to enjoy unfettered access to all your posts which is great for ecommerce brands.
Another tip as to why ecommerce brands should be advertising on Instagram is due to the fact that it allows one to post across multiple platforms. This means that, if you post a picture or video on Instagram, you will be able to post the same post on other platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and many others making it very convenient for ecommerce brands.
The above are some of the tips that highlight just why ecommerce brands really should be advertising on Instagram. As usual, there is much more of this and other related topics to be found over at the ever reliable runrex.com so make sure you give them a visit.