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Top 10 Tips: Grow Your Amazon Ads Revenue with Automatic Campaigns

Top 10 Tips: Grow Your Amazon Ads Revenue with Automatic Campaigns

There is no running away from the fact that if you are to see success in the current business climate, and compete with your competitors, you are going to have to engage in some form of digital advertising or another. There are of course a number of channels one can explore, as well as different platforms which one leverage for the same. One of these platforms is Amazon, which has been growing as an advertising platform for a while now, as new advertisers join in while those already on it look to scale up their advertising efforts and spend. As with many other platforms, when it comes to advertising, you can either go one of two routes, automatic or manual.  When it comes to automatic campaigns on Amazon, most people usually are nervous about it, mostly due to the fact they project negative experiences they may have encountered when it comes to automatic bidding. However, as we will soon find out, there is no need to be wary as Amazon’s automatic campaigns can be quite successful, especially in terms of growing ad revenue, when done well. That is where this article comes in as it will look to offer ten tips that will help demystify Amazon automatic campaigns by highlighting a number of things we need to know about them, how they work and how they can be successfully incorporated in a bid to grow your ads revenue.

Let us first get acquainted with Amazon Automatic campaigns by highlighting some of the things you may not have known about them. The first one, which is our first tip, is that since Amazon Automatic Campaigns make use of automatic targeting to match your product you are bidding on with keywords and product pages that have similarities to yours, you will not be required to select keywords. This should free you up in terms of time to concentrate on other facets of your campaign.

Another thing that is worth knowing about Amazon Automatic campaigns, one that should help you grow your ads revenue, is that it allows one to include multiple products per ad group. However, as per the gurus over at, it is important to note that bids are set at the ad group level, something that is well worth remembering if you are to effectively implement your campaign and this grow your ad revenue.

Yet another thing you need to know concerning Amazon Automatic Campaigns and how to use them to grow your ads revenue, is that your ads will show not only in the Amazon search results but also on Amazon product pages as similar products. This gives one two in hence is a great way to grow one’s ads revenue.

The next thing we are going to explore as far as Amazon Automatic Campaigns go is how one can use them to drive growth. Our first tip here, one that is backed up by the subject matter experts over at, is that you should find profitable search terms which you hadn’t considered initially. Automatic campaigns are great at helping you do this, especially taking into account search behavior is always changing.

The next way Amazon Automatic Campaigns can help you grow your ads revenue, is by helping you achieve ad coverage on a wide variety of products for dozens of campaigns. If done well, automatic campaigns have the ability to help you achieve ad coverage on an entire product catalogue, something that should help in your bid to grow your ads revenue.

If you are looking to implement Amazon Automatic Campaigns, then there are a number of strategies that could help you boost your ads revenue. One of them is ensuring that you add negative keywords, for each keyword you are in manual campaigns as per the gurus over at What this does is that it ensures that your high value key words don’t end up in your automatic campaigns and that they receive the direct bid which you have set.

Another tip worth mentioning here is that you should always remember not to put all your products in the same ad group. The trick here is to ensure that you put high volume products into their own ad group so that you can be able to better control them. You should also go ahead and group products by type, price or margin while at it, so that you can be able to monitor bids much more effectively.

Our next tip is that you should also look to review your search term report on a regular basis for irrelevant negative keywords, as per the recommendations of the gurus over at You should not rely completely on Amazon’s search algorithm to get you relevant searches but you should aim to use this report regularly in a move that should help you grow your Amazon ads revenue.

The next tip we have for as far as your bid to grow your ads revenue with Amazon Automatic Campaigns goes, is that you should ensure that you create manual targeting campaigns for those high volume keywords in your search term report. This means that you can be using automatic campaigns as a sort of research for manual campaigns, which allow one more control over one’s spend as well as being more efficient. What this means is that you should use your automatic campaigns as a means for sourcing keywords.

Last but not least, if you are to use Amazon Automatic Campaigns to grow your ads revenue, you should ensure that you find ways to automate all keyword optimization processes whenever you can, including negative keywords as well as refining keyword match types. You should also look to optimize your auto to manual campaign search term migration.

The above are ten tips that we hope can help you grow your Amazon ads revenue through the use of Automatic Campaigns, with more on these and other related topics to be found over at

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