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Top 10 most influential PPC experts in 2020

Top 10 most influential PPC experts in 2018

Pay Per Click as a marketing strategy has over time grown to become a go-to option for marketers who wish to target results when doing digital marketing. However, results are not just guaranteed unless some expertise is and consideration are combined to make the campaigns successful. Few have been able to blend what is needed in order to get the desired balance for success which explains the presence of experts who have the ultimate plan on handling PPC. Here is a list of the top 10 most influential PPC experts in 2018. 

Tony Guo

It has to be said that Tony is one of the marketing gurus of our time. He has been able to transform the world of PPC with his innovative approaches to AdWords management and what sets him apart from the rest is his tendency to always stay updated on the new information within PPC world. He is an official Google AdWords expert and his record speaks for itself when it comes to the successful PPC campaigns he has mastered. Visit and you will undoubtedly learn more about PPC as well as take lessons from the successes he has experienced over time.

Brad Geddes

A PPC Geek in his own right, Brad is an advanced Google AdWords professional who has an eye for the unique strategies that deliver results. Brad holds educative conferences where people get to learn and grow their careers in the AdWords world which is how he passes on his knowledge. He is an author, blogger and writer whose years of experience allow him to provide insider details and information on how to master AdWords.

Elizabeth Marsten

When you need creative industry angles, Elizabeth is the expert to follow. She is a PPC speaker and an author by trade and what stands out about her is the ability she holds to handle PPC with a twist where e-commerce is perfected. She is an expert in creating product Ads and making them achieve the targeted purpose. Her knowledge of the inner operations of Google AdWords make her the right tutor for the individuals willing to become strategic thinkers like her. 

Larry Kim

He has transformed the world of AdWords with his attention to detail and out of the box approaches. Larry’s expertise in AdWords coupled with the extent to which he has mastered how to handle digital marketing make him the best in what he does. As a columnist and passionate AdWords marketer, he has time and again developed actionable strategies for digital marketers that have made him an influential personality in the world of PPC.

Ginny Marvin

She is an expert in paid advertising and always focuses on digital marketing with a difference. Ginny is a professional speaker within the AdWords field and is mainly admired for her detailed consideration. She makes the list of influential PPC experts due to her continued presence as an active industry professional.

Michelle Morgan

She is the leader and project director at Clix Marketing which is a hugely successful PPC marketing firm. A professional blogger, industry leader and expert in PPC; she provides secret tips and insider happenings in PPC that can transform marketing on the digital platform. What sets her apart is her starring role as a researcher and trend monitor in the paid search marketing field.

David Szetela

Author of some of the best pieces in the PPC world, David is an expert in PPC and has experience with everything Google AdWords related. He is all about social advertising and paid marketing which explains why his podcasts always carry detailed information on AdWords. Other angles of his contribution include his role as a conference speaker where he educates individuals on digital marketing through analyzing trends and taking on the evolution within the industry.    

John Lee

A fantastic strategist when it comes to AdWords, John is an expert when it comes to using data and information to perfect PPC. He is also a blogger and one of the best when it comes to digital marketing. What qualifies him as an influential expert is his ability as an adept writer focused on paid search where he contributes to AdWords scripts and PPC automations.   

Aaron Levy

Ensuring your business grows is what Aaron Levy is all about. Aaron is an industry specialist who has his eye on sharing the most intricate details about PPC. He offers unique insights into Google AdWords while making sure to include recent trends in paid advertising. He has unrivalled outlooks when it comes to consumer behavior, buyer psychology and how they combine to inform the direction of paid marketing.

Melissa Mackey

A pro when in paid marketing, Melissa has become a real force over the years and her expertise reigns in PPC. She is recognized as one of the most outstanding and knowledgeable PPC professionals around the world. 

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