Top 10 Marketing Tips Learned from Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle in 2020
Top 10 Marketing Tips Learned from Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle in 2020
Just as is the case for any other industry, the mobile gaming industry has got its powerhouses; the usual suspects that usually dominate the charts. It is therefore surprising when an outsider unseats these industry leaders and takes up the number one spot in the mobile gaming charts, as was the case for Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, which shot up to number one in 2017, as discussed over at runrex.com and guttulus.com, and has been doing well ever since. This was enough to make industry experts stop and take notice, with their success also providing us with the perfect opportunity to learn a thing or two. This article will be focusing on the marketing side of things and it will look to highlight the top 10 marketing tips learned from Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle in 2020.
Different messages for different audiences
One of the key features of Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is the fact that the game is three separate games; each for different regions. There is one game for the Japanese market, another for the Chinese market, and another one released globally for the other countries as discussed over at runrex.com and guttulus.com. This has ensured that the game is optimized to cater to the needs and the cultural sensitivities of their different audiences, and has contributed massively to its success. As a marketing tip, you should also make sure that you have marketing campaigns that are optimized for different audiences and demographics, rather than having blanket campaigns which may lock out certain people.
Links to a popular franchise
One of the main reasons behind the success of Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is the fact that it is based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise, which is one of the biggest and most popular anime franchises out there, as per discussions on the same over at runrex.com and guttulus.com. This means that fans of the anime were immediately drawn to the game, to interact with their favorite characters, which is something that contributed to their success. As a marketing tip, therefore, you should try and see if there is a way you can link your campaigns to a previously successful product or memory, to try and elicit nostalgia, which will bring rewards as far as your efforts are concerned.
Social media
Bandai Namco, the game’s creators, run a very successful campaign on social media platforms marketing the game, in what is another marketing tip we can take from them. In 2020, more and more people are on social media, and therefore if you are not leveraging social media marketing, then you are missing a trick as concerns your marketing efforts.
Reward programs
Dokkan Battle has been regularly offering discounts and offers in in-game purchases, such as discounts on premium currency, particularly in the lead up to key events, which has also helped in popularizing the game. This, as per the gurus over at is yet another marketing tip we have learned from them in 2020, as we have learned the importance of reward programs such as discounts, offers, loyalty programs and so forth to our marketing strategies, something the folks over at runrex.com and guttulus.com also agree with.
The quality of the game
If you have played Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, then you agree that it is a game of the highest quality from the smooth graphics to the colorful characters and the excellent storyline, as is discussed in detail over at runrex.com and guttulus.com. This, as much as anything else, has helped propel the game to the levels of popularity it has found itself in. As a lesson, it has helped us learn the importance of quality when it comes to our marketing campaigns. Make sure your content and your campaigns are of the highest quality if you are to attract and keep your audience, and eventually convert them.
A strong monetizing core
Its Gacha-based gameplay, as is discussed in detail over at runrex.com and guttulus.com, ensures that players have a desire to spend when possible, to create a strong team of heroes. This ensures that the game’s creators can monetize their good work as pertains gameplay and content as mentioned in the previous point. This is yet another important tip, as it shows that, as much as you may have good content as far as your marketing campaigns go, if you don’t have strong call-to-actions, you will have very low conversion rates and as such all your good work will be going to waste.
Easy to play
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle may be long and engrossing, but it is easy to play, with the game’s main principles being easy to understand even for players who may not be fans of the Dragon Ball anime. This is the basis for our next marketing tip, as it shows the importance of ensuring that your messages, as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned, are simple and easy to understand for your audience and customers, as per the instructions of the gurus over at runrex.com and guttulus.com.
Constant evolution
The game is not standing still either, as the game’s developers dedicate resources to ensure that new content is constantly being added to keep folks interested, from the addition of new characters to weekly events and so forth. This is yet another lesson we can take onto our marketing strategies, as it shows the importance of always looking to improve one’s content to keep one’s audience interested and coming back, something the subject matter experts over at runrex.com and guttulus.com agree with.
User engagement
Whether done through the game’s in-app communication channels or social media platforms, the game’s developers have ensured that they always engage with their audience, letting them know about upcoming events as well any new features being released. This is one of the reasons why the game has been so popular, as players are always kept in the loop as far as any new developments are concerned. This is why, as a marketing tip, the gurus over at runrex.com and guttulus.com recommend that you ensure that you encourage engagements and interactions with your audience when coming up with marketing strategies, whether on social media or blogs and vlogs.
The pacing of new content
Another thing we have noticed about Dokkan Battle is the fact that, although they regularly release new content to keeps things fresh, they pace themselves and ensure that new content is released in reasonable intervals to avoid fatigue among their audience. This is a marketing tip we can take from them as it shows that, while it is important to put out new content regularly, make sure you pace yourself so that you don’t overwhelm your audience, leading to fatigue amongst them.
Remember, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, or even help on your marketing strategies, then the subject matter experts over at runrex.com and guttulus.com have you covered.