Top 10 Golf Swing Tips for Beginners
Golf is a gentleman’s game, and it is one sport whose popularity keeps growing each day. If you are a golf beginner, welcome to the world of golf. As a golfer, the only way you can grow to be a pro and also beat every opponent you face is by having a perfect swing. Beginners often have a difficult time with their swing resulting in poor shots. To help you improve your swing, RunRex has highlighted the following tips that you can reference when doing your practice.
1. Choose the right club
Golf clubs come in different designs and sizes. The different golf clubs are suited for different purposes, and it is, therefore, important that you use the right tools for the job. In the beginning stages, try to stay away from the driver at first until you can hit good shots. Know when to use the Irons, the wedges and the putter. The right tool is what will get the job done correctly.
2. Hold your club in the right way
Anyone can hold a club and hit the ball. But if your goal is to have a better swing, you have to hold your club in the right manner. Your grip should be natural but correct. The best way to hold your club is by first holding it with your lead hand. The grip should form a “V” between your index finger and your thumb while facing your shoulder. Place the trailing hand below the lead hand while maintaining the neutral position. Ensure you are comfortable before swinging.
3. Grip
After holding your club correctly, the next thing is to lock your hands so that you can have command over the form. There are various ways you can lock your hands using techniques such as the Vardon grip which is the most popular among golfers, the interlocking grip or the ten finger grip, otherwise known as the baseball grip. The baseball grip is usually more convenient for players with small hands and those with joint pains. The technique to use is the one you are most comfortable with.
4. Keep your hands low
The power of the shot is usually sacrificed when the ball is arced very high. The shot power will be lost elevating the ball rather than taking it further. To lower the ball flight, keep your hands low. You can also accomplish this by either using a stronger club or by moving the ball slightly back in your stance, though this technique will require a lot of practice.
5. Use your body to power your shot
In golf, the power of the swing comes from your body and not your arms. Therefore, your focus should be on learning not to rely on your arms for your shot power. To achieve this, be still and place the club behind the ball then try to air the ball. It might take a while for you to master the technique, but when you do the same continuously, you will start getting the ball in the air using just your body power. Maintain this for all your shots until it comes to your naturally.
6. Proper Stance
Your stance position will always affect the quality of your shots. If you take time and observe the pro golfers, they have perfected their stance and this leads them to take effortless shots. To get into a proper stance position, align your body such that the ball forms a straight line from the pin to the tee box. Spread your feet, flex your knees and relax before hitting the shot.
7. Let you backswing feel natural
While some people propose that your backswing should be slow, your swing will be better if your backswing is more natural as it will grant your stability. If you are a fast person and you take it slow with your swing, you will be uncomfortable and end up committing a mistake. However, do not focus on speed at the expense of quality.
8. Hinge to get more power
While the power of the shot is drawn from the body, it is delivered to the ball through the hands. When getting into position, make a 45-degree angle between the clubshaft and your arm. This will start the swing with your wrists hinged hence proper power release. You can tell you’ve hinged your wrist when the clubshaft is perpendicular to the ground, and your left arm parallel to it.
9. Remember the follow through
The follow through is as important as the backswing and the downswing. Always accompany your swing with a follow through if you want to get better at your swing. A smooth follow through will ensure that you not only hit the ball right, but also propel it to the right direction.
10. Practice, practice and more practice
The pros became pros because they never stopped practicing. It is a general rule that applied everywhere that when you want to be good at something, do constant practice. Spare some time every day to work on your swing for you to improve.