Top 10 Golf Shipping Company in the United States
Are you fed up with trekking your golf clubs at the airports, you should consider using these shipping companies. They offer good quality shipping services minus all the inconveniences you expect at airports. For instance, you do not have to wait in long lines, which can last for up to thirty minutes in some instances.
1. Nicouriers
If you want to ensure that your deliveries are always on time, you should consider using this company. Not only does this company charge low prices when you ship golf clubs, but they also offer you guarantees. Airlines, on the other hand, are expensive and there is little when it comes to guarantees.
2. RunRex
The company has proven itself in the few years that it has been operating. RunRex is now known as one of the best companies when you need to ship golf clubs anywhere in the US and beyond. The company offers to pick up and drop off your golf clubs at your preferred point.
Consider getting in touch with them if you want a company that understands how valuable your clubs are. They have already helped many others before you, and there is no reason they cannot help you too.
It is one of the leading shipping companies in the US. Their services are reliable compared to airlines. Besides that, the company offers its customers overnight and door-to-door delivery services. With almost 40 years of experience, you can expect to get quality golf shipping services if you use them.
The company, which originated in India, has an established presence in the United States. Their services of golf delivery are available in most places in America. If you want a company that can give you quality with the delivery of your clubs or other sports equipment, you should consider using them.
No matter how much of a logistical nightmare you may think your delivery is going to be, the company always manages to find a solution. Consider getting in touch with them today.
5. DHL
DHL is one of the leading shipping companies in the US and the world. If you require shipping your golf clubs within the United States or anywhere around the world, consider using this service.
You are assured that experienced employees will handle your package professionally. Besides that, the company has a reputation for sticking to its deadlines. If you need to ship your clubs to some exotic location anywhere in the world, DHL probably offers the services there.
The company also offers to pick up your golf clubs from your office or your home. They will then deliver these clubs to any destination that you want. The company’s services are quite popular in the United States.
The company takes great care to ensure that your golf clubs arrive intact to the destination that you desire. With the many guarantees, you get from this company; you can rest easy as they deliver your golf clubs. It frees up your mind for you to plan other aspects of your golf vacation.
7. TNT
The company is among the oldest providers of courier services in the United States. If you want a reliable courier service that offers same day delivery services, think about using TNT. They are renowned for their reliable customer service. Just like most courier services, the company is renowned for reliability in keeping time. It also allows you to track your packages online.
8. Global Golf
Global golf has been delivering its shipments within the US and beyond for years. During that time, they have developed a reputation as a reliable service. Their services come with multiple guarantees.
The company has different shipment options. If you use the premium rate service, you can expect to pay slightly more to have your package sent to golfing destination. The cheapest service that company has is the economy option. You can expect your package to take up to 5 days for it to arrive.
9. Ship Sticks
If you need a shipping company that deals primarily in golf clubs, you should use The company has been in business for years, and they have managed to build a reputation for being reliable and affordable.
One major reason why you should use is that they offer their customers guarantees. For instance, if your package does not arrive within the stipulated time intervals, the company promises to offer you a few hundred dollars. Besides that, they promise to match your price if you can find a company whose rates are lower than what they offer.
10. Luggage Forward
The company’s service is quite easy to use. You can complete everything online. Whether you are using a computer or a mobile device, you can complete the shipment form. After you have finished filling out the online form, package your clubs and wait for the company to come pick them up.
No matter how many packages you need to ship, the company can handle them. Best of all, the company’s representatives are quite friendly. If you have any issues, you can always call them, and they will explain everything to you. The service is both cheap and always on time. Try them today.