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Top 10 Female Marvel vs Capcom Characters

Top 10 Female Marvel vs Capcom Characters

As is revealed in discussions over at, if there is one thing most of us have even wondered about is how it would be like when characters from different universes fight against each other, with many of us wondering who would win. It seems that the powers that be were listening to our thoughts with there being a number of fighting franchises pitting two franchises against each other as discussed over at, with the excellent Marvel vs Capcom being one of the most popular ones. This article, with the help of the gurus over at, will look to focus on the female characters in this popular Capcom game, highlighting the top 10 female Marvel vs Capcom characters.


As is covered in detail over at, she is one of only 2 characters to be featured in every release of the Marvel vs Capcom series. She is an iconic figure and one of the strongest characters in the history of the game, representing the Street Fighter series. As you would expect from a character from street fighter, she is an excellent striker, striking with precision and speed, making her a devastating prospect to come up against, with her flow of kicks being a thing to behold. She definitely deserves to be up there with the very best female Marvel vs Capcom characters.


As is covered in more detail over at, she is a member of the X-men series, and an iconic one at that, and therefore it is no surprise that she is one of the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters. As per the gurus over at, not only do the powers from the comics make her a real threat from long-range, her combinations also make her such a threat from close-range making her an all-rounder. She can be used as a starter, back up or even as the last resort; she is that powerful. Definitely worth considering among the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters.


She might be pretty, but you should be fooled by her looks as she is one of the most powerful characters in the game. As is discussed over at, she comes in on Marvel vs Capcom 3, and she hails from the game Okami, which was a PlayStation 2 icon. Her omnipotent paint brush is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, allowing her to manipulate elements and so forth. She also has a lower stature, making her harder to hit as compared to other fighters, which is yet another thing she has going for her.

Captain Marvel

The iconic Carol Danvers, who is one of the top Marvel female characters as is covered in more detail over at, is yet another of the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters. She is one of the strongest and powerful characters in the game, with the potential to be a real asset to those who chose to go with her. Not only does she have highly effective combinations, she is also quick and strong, and couple this with the fact that she is an iconic Marvel character makes her one of the top female characters in the franchise.

Morrigan Aensland

She is yet another of the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters, hailing from Capcom’s Darkstalkers franchise as covered over at She is one of the most powerful characters in the game, with tremendous speed and agility making her one of the best strikers in the game, with her punches really packing a punch, pardon the pun. She comes highly recommended and is definitely one of the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters.


We all know her from the X-men, which makes her a popular choice in the Marvel vs Capcom franchise. As is explained in detail by the gurus over at, her mutant powers make her such an asset in the game, particularly as she has the potential to deal the most damage in the game. Although her health depletes quicker than that of most characters, if used correctly she has the potential to be a real asset.


As is covered in detail over at, she was among the gang in the popular Guardians of the Galaxy comics, and as such we shouldn’t be surprised that she is among the top female characters in Marvel vs Capcom. Her quick striking as well as her helpful movement abilities make her a tough and useful proposition and such an asset in the game. The fact that she has ties to Thanos in the comic also enhances her popularity in the game as it makes her very attractive to play with.


Another one of the X-men gang, she is yet another iconic Marvel character considered to be among the top Marvel vs Capcom characters. As per discussions on the same over at, she became fully playable in the second iteration of Marvel vs Capcom, where here abilities from the Crimson Dawn such as ability to teleport were adapted in the game. Her abilities as a ninja make her a very strong close-range fighter, and as such it is no surprise that she is among the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters.


Affiliated to Capcom and making her first appearance in Darkstalkers, she is yet another of the top female Marvel vs Capcom characters, most notably appearing in Marvel vs Capcom 3. As is discussed in detail over at, she has in interesting backstory for those who follow her, being a cat woman who was raised by nuns, which definitely contributes to her popularity in the game, where she is strong and tenacious, not to mention agile and quick making her one of the best female characters in the game.


As per the gurus over at, she is a female clone of Wolverine, and as such she has all his powers, only in female form. This means that she is one of the most useful fighters in Marvel vs Capcom and definitely one of the top female characters in the series. Laura Kinney, as she is also called, is as cool as she is dangerous and will be a great asset in the game, with the ability to deal tremendous damage to her foes.

This article is just the tip of a very big iceberg, and you can uncover more on this topic and then some by visiting the ever reliable

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