Top 10 Female Characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses
Top 10 Female Characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at the ever reliable mtglion.com, Fire House Three Houses has got one of the most dynamic and interesting group of characters around. Its roster of female characters is rich, and there can be no denying that they play a pivotal role in giving the game its spirit; they are definitely part of the heart and soul of the game. Ranking is not always easy, particularly for a game as popular as Fire Emblem Three Houses, but this article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at mtglion.com, will look to do just that by highlighting the top 10 female characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Regardless of the route you choose to play on in the game, a topic covered in more detail over at mtglion.com, Mercedes is always a very good person hence why she has to be considered among the top 10 Fire Emblem Three Houses characters. The fact that she always wants to help people, being her life-goal and all, makes here such an endearing character. As covered over at mtglion.com, she is a healer and therefore she is always looking to serve which is yet another reason why she is so popular.
Hilda may have the cliché appearance of a typical anime waifu, mostly due to her colorful pink hair with pigtails, as covered over at mtglion.com, but she is anything but ordinary. As Claude’s right-hand woman, she is always willing to do anything to further his cause. On top of that, she has one of the most endearing personalities in the game, and her strength stat belies her appearance as she is one of the strongest characters in the game. As per the gurus over at mtglion.com, she is such a complex character, and therefore has to be considered on this list.
As can be seen over at mtglion.com, if there was ever a cute meter, then it would go off the charts when examining Annette; she is that cute. Most waifus have some cuteness element about them, but Annette takes the cake in this department, and her cuteness is definitely something that has contributed to her popularity as far as female characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses is concerned. This is not to say that she doesn’t have a great personality and other strengths, all of which come together to make such a complete character.
We all know Petra as the female character who doesn’t speak the Fodlan language due to the fact that she hails from a far-off land, as discussed over at mtglion.com. And while this offers excellent comic relief in the game, particularly when figures of speech go over her head, she is more than her language limitations. She is one of the most beautiful female characters in the game, from the tattoo under her eye, to her braided purple-red hair, she has one of the most stunning looks in the game. Her personality is also just as amazing as her looks which is why she is so loved out there.
As is covered in detail over at mtglion.com, when it comes to Flayn, what you think of her beliefs will be shaped by the route you choose to pursue when playing the game. Even though this brings about lots of variation, Flayn still remains one of the most popular characters in the game. This owes much to her kindness as a person, never wishing ill on anybody, and her loving and kind nature really endears her to players of the game.
Her development is what makes her such a popular female character when it comes to Fire Emblem Three Houses. As is discussed over at mtglion.com, she goes from being unsure of her worth, to becoming more self-assured and comfortable in her skin, something many of us can relate to. The journey from being full of doubt about herself to being completely comfortable in her skin is something most of us can relate to, which is why she has to be considered among the best female characters in the game.
She may not have the biggest role to play as far as the plot of the game is concerned, as per the gurus over at mtglion.com, but her sheer force of personality adds something to the game that no one else can. She is one of those characters who you get the feeling that they are really fun to be around, particularly as she is well balanced; not being too nice or too bad either. She can be incredibly curt and rude, and still come out as adorable, which is why she is so popular.
You can make a list of Fire Emblem Three Houses female characters without including Leonie. She is one of the most independent female characters in the game, as covered in detail over at mtglion.com. She is strong and knows exactly what she is worth. She also has a very defined sense of humor, particularly if you happen to question her femininity, which definitely adds a lot of depth to her character.
Despite the fact that she has gone through a lot of trauma in her life, as is revealed in discussions on the same over at mtglion.com, she is always trying to make the best out of her situation, never feeling sorry about herself, which is one of her most endearing qualities. She reminds all of us the regardless of the hand we have been dealt, we can always make things work if we are determined enough and we keep going.
She is one another one of the most attractive female characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses, aided and abated by her great fashion sense, as per the gurus over at mtglion.com. She also has a very flirtatious nature, which makes her really adorable and has definitely contributed to her popularity among the game’s fans. Her depth as a character is up there with the best of them, and she had to make this list.
This article only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, with there being more on this and other related topics to be uncovered by checking out the brilliant mtglion.com.