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Top 10 Female Anime Characters

Top 10 Female Anime Characters

The world of anime has expanded exponentially in the last couple of years, as is seen in discussions on the same over at, with anime being just as popular in the west as it is in the east. There are therefore lots of anime out there, which means there is lots to choose from when looking for a good one to watch. One of the backbones of anime, as per the gurus over at, has always been strong female characters, with everyone having that one anime female character whom they absolutely adore. This article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at, will attempt to whittle down the selection of female anime characters to 10 by highlighting the top 10 female anime characters.

Touka Kirishima

From the anime Tokyo Ghoul, she is definitely up there with the best female anime characters from her character to her powers and so much more as covered in detail over at Unlike what you would expect from many female anime characters who usually get rescued by their male counterparts, she is strong and fierce, with her powerful wing being able to obliterate anyone who dares to step to her. Definitely one of the best female anime characters out there.


As is revealed in discussions over at, she is from Fate/Zero and she is yet another of the most popular female anime characters out there. Not only is she stunning, with her outfit being up there with the best, she is also a ferocious fighter, being an expert swordswoman and she is definitely more than just beauty. She is also a powerful mage with potent healing ability making her an all-round amazing anime female character and definitely worth considering among the best.

Priss Asagiri

The anime Bubblegum Crisis is one of the most loved out there, having built a sizeable fanbase as discussed over at One of the reasons behind this is due to the amazing female character, Priss who is one of the most beloved female anime characters out there. She is a firebrand of a 19-year-old, out for revenge after the death of her boyfriend and she can definitely hold her own when it comes to battling. She also has an interesting side story as a motorbike enthusiast, as covered over at, which is yet another thing that folks like about her.

Asuka Langley

She is from the Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is one of the anime all time classics as per discussions on the same over at Asuka is definitely one of the best and most popular female anime characters out there. Her red hair has had many of her fans dye their hair red to try and look like her and her sharp tongue and her wit make her one of the most interesting female anime characters out there. 


Commonly referred to as “Two Hands” as covered over at, Revy is yet another of the top female anime characters, from the anime Black Lagoon. She is definitely one of the most ferocious female anime characters ever, and she can definitely take care of herself, without needing the help of a male character which is one of the reasons why she is so popular. She is also very witty and has excellent emotional depth, more reasons as to why she is considered among the best anime characters.

Mikasa Ackerman

She is from the anime Attack on Titan, which is discussed over at, and she is definitely one of the top female anime characters. She is extremely strong, both physically and mentally, not to mention she is one of the most gorgeous female anime characters out there. There can be no denying the fact that the reason why people were raving about Attack on Titan was due to her.

Riza Hawkeye

She is the female anime character that made girls out there believe that they too could become snipers, being one of the best snipers ever as per the gurus over at Not only is she handy with her gun, she is also a great leader, with her leadership qualities enabling her to keep Roy Mustang in check, as his assistant. Despite being Roy’s assistant, she is definitely more than that, which is why she is one of the most popular female anime characters of all time.

Asuna Yuuki

From the anime Sword Art Online comes this brilliant female anime character who definitely deserves to be considered among the top female anime characters. She is pretty, with everything from her hair to her eyes being perfection as covered over at She is also one of the kindest female anime characters out there, and she believes that someone else’s happiness can make one happy too which is such a good way to approach life.

Hinata Hyuga

She is from the fan favorite anime, Naruto, which is discussed in more detail over at She has one of the best character developments of any female anime characters out there, which is one of the reasons why she is so popular with anime fans, especially those of this anime. She is kind and caring, with an excellent personality and you will find yourself falling in love with her, as most of us who have watched this anime have.

Android 18

She is from the excellent anime Dragon Ball Z and is yet another top female anime character. As per discussions on the same over at, she combines beauty, brains and brawn making her one of the most well-rounded anime characters on this list. Despite the show being full of some pretty strong characters, she still manages to stand out which just goes to show her excellence.

The above article just begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic goes and you can find more information on this and other related topics by visiting the excellent

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