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Top 10 Facts on Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch

Top 10 Facts on Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch

This is a highly popular role-playing game published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch. It is the sixteenth installment of the Fire Emblem franchise and as can be expected as those that came before it, it already has a massive following with a lot of interest building prior to its increase. This article is intended to shine a spotlight on some of the facts of the game that we know of so far that as players we should be conversant with.

First thing to note about the new Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch is that regarding the appearance of the game’s characters. Developers have revealed that they will use the experience they gained from making previous installments of the game to give the characters of the game a more natural appearance. This means that the characters will look more natural and with increased graphics comes increased experience in game-play.

Another thing we know so far is that the game’s characters will have improved movement making it more realistic when compared to that in previous installments. This will be translated to an increase in the game-play experience as the game will be a notch higher when it comes to the battle system and the character design, something that fans are really looking forward to.

Another fact about the game worth noting is that unlike previous Fire Emblem installments, this one is not based on a single hero cutting through a horde of enemies rather it is more about teamwork. This is because it is based around bringing together familiar heroes as well as new characters in a story line where they are to work together and complement each other. This is a feature of the game that makes it stand out above the other releases and make it to be highly anticipated.

Another very important aspect about the game to note is the implementation of the map-management feature. Since the game is more about teamwork you have to keep an eye on all battles unfolding in a given campaign all over your map. This means for there to be success you must ensure that you take out all enemies, repel reinforcement, take territory and make sure you don’t leave any of your allies behind. Being able to read, implement and manage all aspects on your map will determine whether you are successful or not.

Another fact worth noting about the game is that, unlike previous installments of the game where it was all about controlling bases and defending allies on your own, on this one you can also issue orders to by going to the pause screen. You can also instruct units to go on the attack against certain enemies, heal themselves or even proceed to certain points on the map. This aspect of the game where you are part of a unit makes the game much more interesting and yes also much more difficult as compared to previous releases.

The integration of the famous or, infamous depending on how you look at it, weapon triangle is another factor worth noting. This basically means that there is a choice of weapons with specific advantages amongst themselves which therefore means no specific weapons are dominant over the others. This means that certain characters will be weaker when fighting with certain types as opposed to others. This helps the make less monotonous and more tactical hence more enjoyable.

The game also provides you with two modes which is a fact of the game worth familiarizing yourself with. The two modes are “Classic” mode and “Casual” mode. In the former you won’t be able to use fallen allies in future battles unless you revive them at a price while in the latter fallen allies are only absent until the next battle where you can still use them. The “Classic” mode is therefore the more difficult of the two and these two options definitely make the game much more engrossing.

This new installation of the Fire Emblem series also borrows a lot in terms of concepts and infrastructure when it comes to the game’s battlegrounds. Things like Dragon Veins and certain familiar shortcuts from previous installments are to be found in the game giving it a certain familiarity that is certain to appeal to fans of the franchise.

The fact that you can grow and improve your characters is another aspect of the game well worth noting. This can be done through creating “Badges” using material collected from combat which in turn will improve your character’s defense against specific weaponry and increase skill levels. Improving your character is very important as it will be extremely helpful in getting you through the game quicker.

Another fact on the game is the introduction of a “History” mode to go hand in hand with the main story mode. This “History” mode will allow you to replay famous battles from installments of Fire Emblem series gone by. You unlock them as you proceed through the game and offer an avenue to gain more gold and other items while increasing your experience.

The above are just some of the things we know thus far from the Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch game with more to be revealed soon. As usual for more on this and then some make sure you visit

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