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Tony Guo, Expert Patent Attorney in Humble Texas

Tony Guo, Expert Patent Attorney


Patent law in the US is a hugely extensive field and as many professionals enter the industry, experience and competence play a crucial role. Having received his qualifications and practiced under the best, Tony Guo has been able to transform his practice and rank among the best when it comes to patent law and the extensive learning curve developed has ensured he is able to maintain a high success rate with every case. The unique perspective and relentless efforts that Tony has in trying to get the best possible angle is what extends professionalism and overall patent law knowledge and cements him as an expert patent attorney.


Experience is an aspect of Tony’s practice that enshrines his commitment to his clients and the overall success rate that he brings to the table. He has over 4 years securing Intellectual property where he has continuously represented the clients looking to protect their IP rights. In securing IP, Tony has also participated in numerous litigation cases where infringement has occurred ensuring the rights of the clients are protected. A peculiar role in the patent field that Tony has also participated in includes the negotiation of licensing deals involving Intellectual property where he has advocated for the best interests of his clients.

With patent law being a wide niche of practice, Tony has also contributed immensely in the development of franchise operations where businesses look to extend brand operations. His major role in the same has included the drafting of franchise agreements and the consequent filing of the signed deals to enable businesses handle operations under a select brand name. Preparation of franchising manuals and operational procedures is another role that Tony has satisfied within the patent law field whereby he has dedicated his expertise towards ensuring every party has the best deal that will benefit their interests going forward.

Innovators and creative minds who wish to protect their Intellectual property and have the chance to benefit from the same before generics enter the market have found successful patent applications to be a challenge to capture. Tony has been instrumental when it comes to aiding the innovators and creative individuals secure patents through a seamless application process where clients get accurate guidelines on the cover they need. An outstanding role that Tony plays includes the prosecuting of patent applications at the offices of the USPTO which determines the originality and awards the deserving patents.

A space that Tony has been able to excel highly is technology counsel where he has provided individuals and companies with advice and guidance in line with patent law on how to proceed. With the experience he was able to gather when dealing with hardware and software elements within IT firms, he is better placed to offer unrivalled technology counsel to individuals looking to patent software and hardware elements within the technology industry. He is an expert attorney when it comes to dealing with high tech creations that require assessment to determine the patentable elements and how the same can be protected. Tony is also at the forefront in offering creatives the perspective of patent law on what their creative innovations. His experience can be tapped when individuals need an in-depth angle on the operation of internet law and how the same can be used to the benefit of the parties involved.

Tony has been ranked as a standout patent attorney especially when it comes to helping startups to stand their ground against the large corporations that often infringe on their patents. A particular area of success that Tony has dominated is the litigation of infringement cases where his success rate is admirable. On the prosecution front, he has been able to take up clients from vast settings including individuals and corporations.

As an expert patent attorney, Tony is experienced and equipped when it comes to handling software licensing cases. In this, he has been able to structure licensing deals and also draw up the licensing agreements that are to be signed. With his knowledge of contract law, Tony is well placed to handle all matters that appertain to software licensing deals. The added advantage is the fact that he has undoubted knowledge when it comes to hardware and software elements which makes him a standout professional that can identify the sections of a software licensing deals that will benefit both parties and ensure a harmonious relationship.

Bottom Line 

Tony Guo has positioned himself as one of the expert patent attorneys that individuals can call upon and rely on when patent cases are in question. The level of experience he brings, accompanied by the accuracy in considering all angles in play are all contributors to the success he has had in the industry. When in need of an expert patent attorney that has extensive knowledge and technical ability when it comes to patent law and cases within the same niche, Tony Guo is the professional to approach.

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