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The top 10 most absurd patents in the US

The top 10 most absurd patents in the US

Patents are the ultimate protection for inventions and they stand as the last line of defense for the inventors and creators who are looking to share their proprietary elements with the world and benefit from the same. Authoritative voices within the patent world most notably have come out to stress on the importance of having a patent and what it means to have one enforced which is a big lesson to inventors. In the spirit of protecting creations, there have been absurd patents issued in the US and here we look at the ones that have made the top 10.   

Smokers Hat (US 4858627)

This is quite a unique patent when you look at it keenly as it is basically a hat that has an air intake that filters and then expels the air. In layman terms, it can be regarded as wearing an exhaust hood on your head and with all its absurdness, a patent was issued which makes it all the more interesting. 

Urinal Forehead rest (US 6681419)

When talking of absurd patents, the urinal forehead rest can’t fail to make the grade as it is one absurd creation. This creation in a nutshell involves a forehead rest installed on the wall above the urinal or beneath a showerhead to give someone the chance to rest their head when they are doing their business. Described as an invention that is supposed to steady the people who find it overwhelming when they are handling their activity, it got a patent which means it was found unique and helpful.   

Pet Ear protector (US 4233942)

This is one of the creations that has all pet lovers grinning with excitement. It is basically an invention that protects the ears of your pet most notably the dogs with long hair. It prevents the ears from getting soiled when the dog is eating. The creation is designed to protect and contain the fur while also positioning the ears away from the mouth as the animal eats. 

Anti-Eating Face Mask (4344424)

This was an absurd creative angle designed for the individuals who have tried to stick to a diet in vain. The mask is designed to stop one from eating with the mouth cage allowing a person to speak and breathe but not ingest anything owing to a barrier. It is locked onto the head which means there is no cheating the system. It has been regarded as weight loss regimen on another level.

Calendar infused ladies’ underwear (US 5606748)

This is for the ladies who happen to forget their period cycle and need a constant reminder. The underwear has the front waistband designed with a date portion and numerical notations in two distinct lines. A lady can record the first date of her period and calculate the onset of the next one with ease.

Automatic bed maker (4441222)

This is for the lazy people tired of making their bed as they wake each morning. It is basically an electrically operated device that spreads the bed cover over the bed. It is secured to the frame of the bed and operates by lifting the cover from the foot of the bed to the head. It has rotating wheels to aid the process and the ingenuity involved in it somehow solved an existing problem which is an aspect that patent professionals including always encourage since it takes advantage of a gap in the market.

Diaper for Birds (US 5934226)

Still think you have seen enough of the absurd patents? Well, check out the diaper for birds. This is an invention that was targeted at the people who are tired of cleaning after their pet birds. It is a creation that features an enclosed pouch that collects excrement whenever released by the bird. It has open sections that allow the bird to move freely so it is comfortable to say the least. 

Sound Muffler (4834212)

Are you frustrated at work and wish to just yell and let it out? Well, the sound muffler was designed for you. It is an invention designed as a device that covers the mouth allowing a person to scream or yell without disturbing the people around them. You can vent and release frustration and yet ensure that people around you are not alarmed by your frustration sounds.

Cheese-filter cigarette (US 3234948)

This is for the individuals targeting a new smoking experience with their smoking hobby. A cheese-filtered cigarette is what you are in for with this invention. The inventor was categorical in noting that the normal cigarette filters lacked the capacity to filter tar and nicotine which is why this creation had to come into being. The uniqueness of the invention earned it the patent and it is this proprietary element that platforms like always aim to highlight. 

Hiccup treatment device (US 7062320)

This is actually a device that is claimed to treat hiccups. It is essentially a glass that someone drinks from after which it shocks them in turn stimulating some nerves that in return try to cure the hiccup menace. The patent was filed by Carl Palmgren and stands as one of the most absurd ever to be issued.   

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