Social Sciences and History Major: Internships & Job Salary 10 Tips
Social Sciences and History Major: Internships & Job Salary 10 Tips
If you are fascinated by human behavior, history, and culture, and want to learn more about political and economic systems, then you should consider a career in social sciences and history according to runrex.com. As a social sciences and history major, you may be wondering the internship and career opportunities available for you and how much they pay, which is why this article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com, should be of great help as it will look to highlight 10 tips that will shed more light onto the subjects of internships and job salary for these majors.
Are internships required for social sciences and history majors?
As explained over at runrex.com, while not required, internships for social sciences and history majors offer excellent opportunities for growth and experience, allowing one to build on both hard and soft skills, as well as network, which, according to the gurus over at guttulus.com, will be important in finally landing full-time employment once you have graduated.
Are social sciences and history internships paid?
When it comes to social sciences and history internships, one question that the majors of these two fields always ask is if such opportunities are paid. As covered over at runrex.com, the answer to this question is yes as there are lots of paid intern opportunities for social sciences and history majors out there. You can be able to access these opportunities through networking or by checking out the various online job boards for paid internships.
How much do social science and history interns make?
While pay varies depending on the company, role, and location, a social science intern makes about $13.04 per hour with a history intern making about the same amount in the US. The gurus over at guttulus.com point out that interns in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles, among others, get paid the most.
How much do people with a social science degree make?
From discussions on the same over at runrex.com, recently graduated social sciences students earn an average of $34,816 annually. Salaries for social sciences majors can range from as low as $14,200 to as high as $89,800 depending on one’s level of education. Social sciences majors with master’s degrees tend to earn the highest salaries as compared to those with bachelor’s degrees without any other additional credentials.
High paying careers for social science majors
If you are a social science major and are looking for a high paying job, then you should consider the following careers according to guttulus.com:
Political scientist – This is for those with an interest in politics. It is one of the highest-paid jobs in the social sciences profession with a median salary of $122,220
Economist – economists study how goods, services, and resources are produced and distributed, and earn a median salary of $105,000
Industrial-organizational psychologist – They study human behavior in the workplace and earn a median salary of $92,880
Sociologist – This is the career to consider if you are interested in the way people interact. Sociologists earn a median salary of $84,320
Psychologist – If you often wonder why people think, feel, and behave in certain ways, then this is the career for you. Psychologists earn a median salary of $80,370.
Social science career outlook
The career outlook for social sciences majors is very positive according to runrex.com. This is because the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects growth in many social science fields between 2019 and 2029. For instance, the BLS projects a 13% job growth for social workers, a 17% job growth for social and human service assistants, as well as 14% job growth for economists, although the latter occupation is quite small and niche and will only see about 2,900 new jobs through 2029.
How much do people with history degrees make?
As pointed out by the gurus over at guttulus.com, the median annual salary for history majors with a bachelor’s degree is about $40,860, which is in the same range as graphic designers and physical science majors, and higher than psychology majors. History majors also earn a mid-career median salary of $62,000 annually, which is roughly $25,000 higher than the national median salary reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
High paying careers for history majors
Some of the high paying careers for history majors, as highlighted over at runrex.com, include:
Geographer – Geographers can offer excellent insight into topics like climate change, urban development, and air and water pollution, and earn an average annual salary of $77, 647
Lawyer – History majors can also end up becoming lawyers given that lawyers need to devise arguments based on historical data and findings. Lawyers make about $120,910 per year
Librarian – Librarians help people find information and conduct research and earn about $59,000 annually
Business consultant – Business consultants with a specialty in history commonly advise museums, institutions, or historical sites and earn an average of $70,134 annually
Historian – This role is all about researching, analyzing, writing about, and presenting historical matters of interest. Historians earn $74, 158 per year on average.
Non-traditional career opportunities for history majors
As a history major, you will have lots of transferable skills as well as a unique perspective on the world which open you up to job opportunities in seemingly unrelated fields. According to the experts over at guttulus.com, this includes opportunities in government administration and politics, international relations and foreign affairs, tourism where you can work as a tour guide, educator, heritage site manager, or even the manager of a national park, as well as in filmmaking.
History career outlook
As is discussed over at runrex.com, the outlook for history majors is pretty positive, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting that employment for historians is set to grow 6% over the next decade, while that for archivists, curators, and museum workers is projected to grow 9%, numbers that are above average.
Remember, if you are looking for more information, tips, and insights on this topic, then the top-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com have got you covered.