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Selling and Investing in Yugioh Cards: 10 Tips to Begin

Selling and Investing in Yugioh Cards: 10 Tips to Begin

Developed and published by Konami as covered over at, Yugioh is a popular Japanese collectible card game that is based on the fictional game of Duel Monsters. The game was launched in 1999 in Japan and 2002 in North America and has gone on to become one of the most popular and successful trading card games out there. It has also provided folks with an investment opportunity in recent times with people realizing the value that is there to be had when investing in collectible cards as discussed over at If you are looking to invest and sell Yugioh cards, here are 10 tips to consider.

Figure out the “why?”

The first thing you need to figure out before investing in Yugioh cards is asking yourself why you want to do it according to For some, investing is about finding a way to pay for and sustain their hobby as it allows them to make money to allow them to travel to Yugioh tournaments and take part in them. Others, as discussed over at want to have a side hustle so that they can invest in Yugioh cards, sell them, and make money on the side, while others just want to continue growing their collection.

Set a budget

Next up, it is important to set a budget for your new venture according to the subject matter experts over at This will ensure that you know when to stop so that you don’t end up losing money when looking to invest in Yugioh cards. You are probably investing in Yugioh cards so that you can make money, not lose money, which is why setting a budget on how much you plan to spend buying Yugioh cards, and sticking to it, is important.

Buy in bulk

When it comes to investing in Yugioh cards, then buying in bulk is key, something the gurus over at agree with. This means not buying a box, as if you only buy a box, the best you can probably do is break even when you do decide to sell, and you will probably make a loss. It is advisable to buy several boxes or a case. For starters, it is cheaper to buy in bulk, that is, it is cheaper to buy a case than 12 individual boxes, and buying in bulk also allows you to pull several Secrets which increases the chances that you will get a return on your investment and will turn a profit when you sell. The same applies to individual cards, where you should also buy in bulk buy buying a lot of copies of the card.

Get in on the action early

If you know that a card is about to spike in value, then you must anticipate this and get in on the action early. Getting in early on the action, as outlined over at, is very important when it comes to investing in Yugioh cards. Do your research and make sure that you are always up-to-date with the latest developments so that you know which cards are about to become very expensive and popular.

Don’t forget about recency bias

As the gurus over at like to point out, Yugioh players will always have a recency bias thing going, and will always want to play with new cards, which means that they will likely want to spend more on these cards. You should take advantage of this fact when looking to invest in Yugioh cards, and invest in then sell new cards quickly as soon as they hit the market.

Don’t forget about legacy bias

Other than recency bias, legacy bias is also a huge thing as far as Yugioh is concerned. As covered over at, certain cards will always have tremendous value to Yugioh players for some reason, such as Staples or cards from Astro Packs, among others. Such cards will always have value and will probably increase in value as time goes by, so when you get the chance to invest in them, you should always do so.

Prioritize usefulness, not rarity

Most people assume that rare, super-rare, and ultra-rare cards are the most valuable Yugioh cards to invest in, but that is not always the case according to When it comes to Yugioh, usefulness usually trumps rarity, which means that you should look to invest in cards that are useful, which means investing in competitive units such as Raigeki or Twin Twisters. Just make sure that you invest in legal cards. Also, deck cards like fusion, synchro, and so forth are valuable because of their versatility and constant access without needing to be drawn.

Buy card sleeves

Once you invest in Yugioh cards, and your cards arrive, it is important to put them in card sleeves to protect them against wear and tear. As is outlined over at, card condition is a big thing when it comes to Yugioh cards as no one will want to buy damaged cards. Therefore, as soon as you pull your cards from a pack, make sure you put them in a sleeve if you are to get any return on your investment when you do decide to sell.

Invest in cards that are in English

When it comes to investing in and selling Yugioh cards, you should make sure that your cards are in English. As the gurus over at point out, while there is a market for foreign printing, that market isn’t that big, and such cards can, therefore, be difficult to shift. This is why you should invest in cards that are in English when looking to invest in Yugioh cards.

Keep an eye on trends

If you are planning on investing and selling Yugioh cards, then it is important to keep an eye on trends in Yugioh. The subject matter experts over at recommend checking out TCGPlayer or popular Yugioh YouTube personalities to find out about any new or upcoming trends in the market if you are to be successful in your investment, particularly given how important hype is as a force in Yugioh. This will allow you to know important things that will govern how you invest in Yugioh cards such as if a card is banned or unbanned or any upcoming sets to keep an eye out for.

Hopefully, these tips will come in handy as you look to invest and sell Yugioh cards, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at the highly regarded and

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