React vs Angular vs Vue: Which Should You Choose?
React vs Angular vs Vue: Which Should You Choose?
The world of JavaScript frameworks is one that is expanding at a neck-break speed and it is one where we have all found difficult to keep up to date with all the improvements and which one among the three giants in this particular arena; React, Angular and Vue would be suitable for us. This article should therefore come in handy when choosing between this three with more on their specifics and intimate information about how they work to be found on the ever reliable runrex.com.
We will look to highlight the pros and cons of each separately so that in the end you will have enough information to make an informed choice about which one tickles your fancy. First up is Angular which was founded in 2009 and is excellent when looking to build highly interactive web applications. Some of the benefits of its latest update, Angular 5, include the fact that its new features have helped enable it to be able to compile as fast as within three seconds. One can be able to get all the requisite information about the individual developer due to the detailed documentation that it provides. It also comes with very little risk if any of possible errors due to its two-way data binding which triggers singular behavior for the app. Another great thing about it is that it has a new feature, MVVM, which enables developers to work separately on the same app section at the same time using the same set of data. It has many more advantages, details of which can be found on runrex.com.
It however has some disadvantages key of which revolves around the complex syntax which can be traced from the very first release of angular. To their credit, its developers have tried to make the new version a little less complex. It should also be noted that one of its biggest disadvantages is how taxing it gets sometime when looking to move up updates from older versions to new ones. This is one issue that can be annoying sometime. Some of the companies that use Angular 5 include giants such as YouTube, Nike, Google among others.
Moving on, next we take a look at React, a JavaScript library, which is popular for those looking to build huge web applications where data i8s dynamic and changes regularly. Some of the pros of its latest update, ReactJS, include its highly responsive and flexible nature, the fact that moving from old versions to latest ones is very easy unlike Angular, the fact that it is extremely easy to learn due to its simple syntax again unlike Angular, the fact that you could use it in combination with ES6/7 to enable you to handle a high load quite easily and many more pros that have made it very popular in this field.
Some of its cons include a chronic lack of official documentation making it a bit chaotic as there is a lack of order to the contribution of developers who do it individually. A lack of opinions on React does little to focus developers on the best choices for them within it. It also requires one to be well versed on how to integrate user interface into MVC framework which means it takes one a long time to become fully conversant with it. Some of the companies that use ReactJS include Facebook of course as it was sourced by Facebook back in 2013, Instagram, Dropbox, Microsoft and the list goes on and on.
Finally, we take a look at Vue which is also a JavaScript framework that is known for creating highly flexible user interfaces and refined single-page applications. Vue.js, its latest version, has a myriad of advantages which includes its tiny size, as small as 20KB, which enables it to operate at a much higher speed increasing performance and making it more flexible. It is also very scalable meaning it can be used to develop very large reusable templates without having to allocate it more time to do so due to its simplicity. It is also useful for both single-page applications and more difficult web interfaces due to its great integration. It is also quite similar in structural design to Angular and React which enables one to switch quickly from the other frameworks to it. There are many pros on Vue on runrex.com.
Some of its disadvantages include its lack of resources given it’s not as big a player as compared to Angular and React. It’s still trying to cut its teeth and knowledge sharing is still at a fetal stage. The fact that it traces its origin in China also means that a lot of elements surrounding it are in Chinese and can lead to increased complexity when translating material to English. It is highly flexible, overly so, which sometimes does become an issue when integrating into big projects. Some of the companies making use of Vue.js include Adobe, Reuters, Gitlab among others.
From the above it is clear that there may be no clear preference when comparing the three frameworks with each having its advantages and disadvantages. React and Angular may be the more established names but Vue is slowly gaining popularity and gaining expertise on all three would be the more prudent thing to do. Hopefully this article comes in handy when looking to choose which way to go. As always there is more to learn on this and other topics by visiting the ever reliable runrex.com.