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Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! Vs Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Reveal

Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! Vs Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Reveal

Nintendo and the Pokémon company teamed up once again to reveal that they will be releasing a new game, Pokémon: Let’s Go for Nintendo Switch. The game comes in two versions, Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokémon Let’s Go, Eevee with both launching at the same time. This article will look to expound on how the two compare to one another with more on the same to be found by visiting

One of the main differences when comparing the two versions is in the type of starting Pokémon depending on which one you go for. For Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu the starting Pokémon is a Pikachu and for Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee the starting Pokémon is an Eevee. The two have people who prefer one or the other mainly based on personal preference and this criterion is likely to decide which of the two versions people decide to go with.

Another aspect in which the game’s two versions differ is that it has been announced that players will encounter different Pokémon in each of the two games. This means that even though in both of the games you will only find the original 151 Pokémon only, they won’t be the same from one version to the next. This particular aspect of the game makes it very appealing as though they are basically the same game the two versions will basically assume lives of their own and be able to attract players based on personal preferences and tastes.

Another notable point of departure when looking at the game’s two versions is the fact that while both of the starter Eevee or Pikachu won’t be able to evolve, when it comes to Eevee one is basically limited in the ones that are available. This is because unlike Pikachu, the only Eevee that can be termed as being first generation are Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon. These will be the only available Eeveelutions and with such a narrow range to choose from it could have ramifications on which version of the game to choose.

Another subtle difference when it comes to the two versions of the game is that as you travel and explore in the game the Pikachu will perch on your character’s head while in the other version the Eevee will be sited on the shoulder of your character. This again comes down to a matter of personal preference and taste. You have to decide whether you want to have that adorable yellow ball of lightning that is the Pikachu on your head or you would much rather have the plucky little feline take a sit on your shoulder. Either way the level of cuteness is more or less the same.

The choice on which of the two to go with is also dependent on what you are looking for when it comes to your Pokémon. If you like your Pokémon to be speedy and rapid, then you are likely to go the version with Pikachu as they are much quicker than Eevee. However, if you get your chops from the Eeveelutions of the Eevee then your choice will obviously be spelled out for you. It all depends on what you prefer really and here the saying one man’s meat is another man’s poison is extremely apt.

There is also a suspicion that when you compare the two versions of the game, that is put them side by side, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu is likely to be more popular since the Pokémon Pikachu is arguably the better know of the two. It is quite likely that when you put a picture of the two out there, the Pikachu will be the one that will be more easily recognized. We will be lying to ourselves if we ignored the fact that the fact that the Pikachu is more mainstream will make the game’s version containing it more popular among players, especially new players.

What is clear so far is that both of the versions of Pokémon: Let’s Go have some subtle nuances that will make them different from each other but comparing them also reveals that they have a lot in common too. For starters both of their story lines take place in the Kanto Region. They are also both two-player games and they also both make use of the Poké Ball Plus controller for Switch. It was also announced that both will have new Pokémon although it is yet to be seen whether they will both have the same new Pokémon. You can also pet both the Pikachu and the Eevee making them both in-game pets and in both versions of the game you will be able to ride Pokémon with details on how this will be done and which ones will be rideable yet to be released. As is now obvious, these two versions are two sides of the same coin and whichever you choose, the fun aspect is likely to be constant. For more on this and much more ensure you visit

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